My daughters have been asking me to build them...

   / My daughters have been asking me to build them... #21  
No, I say go crazy with it. Who cares if they are not into it in a few years. Its all about the here and now, and as everyone else mentions, in a few years they may not want to spend time with you working on project, so take advantage. If nothing else they will remember how their dad wanted to spend time with them and build them something.
This is part of the point of building ANYTHING with offspring. Build memories and prepare them for life.

Thanks for the replies! I appreciate all of the ideas and you guys are spot on. The main reason to build this is the creation of memories. My middle daughter has mentioned a couple of times that she and the youngest are willing to help me on it. Like many, if not most of you, I have lots of projects that require my attention..... but these precious gifts are only around for a short period of time and the projects will keep coming. My first choice would be to construct something that they will be able to use even when they get older, like a swing being incorporated into the design. They may not be able to squeeze into parts of the building like they could when they were younger but they can sure sit there and swing while reminiscing about it...

Now to figure out how to get this done without breaking the bank!
Enlist them in all the stages, planning to finish. Teach them how a project flows rather than just put the plastic down and have it delivered.
   / My daughters have been asking me to build them... #22  
How about something like this I have the plans

Wow! That could easily be converted into other useful things like potting shed, storage, small shop, etc.
   / My daughters have been asking me to build them... #24  
Yes, go crazy with it!

014 (640x480).jpg
   / My daughters have been asking me to build them... #25  
Wow, some of these "forts" are amazing. I want to live in one. Any inside photos?
   / My daughters have been asking me to build them... #26  
I built my wife a greenhouse/potting shed, with a porch which gets used to store lawn furniture and garden supplies. She uses it just about every nice day to play with a glass torch making beads.

Just because they grow up doesn't mean they have to stop playing. Just make it something adaptable for storage/workshop/potting shed/writers' haven/chicken coop/craft space/etc. and go nuts. Run power if you can, lights are nice and a lot of hobbies are easier that way.

Garden Shed Front.jpgGarden Shed Back.jpg

I thought I had a better, more recent picture. The open section of roof and the upper part of the back wall is covered in clear uv-rated roof panels.

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