Never Change Your Oil Again !!

   / Never Change Your Oil Again !! #2  
Interesting..think I'll pass tho.
   / Never Change Your Oil Again !! #3  
Golly, on the first page they make this statement.

All we did was change the GCF element every 10,000 miles and topped off the engine with new makeup oil.

I believe there are some engines that do not require oil changes but I believe the fuel is the crankcase lubricant and there is constant flow thru.:confused:
   / Never Change Your Oil Again !! #4  
Oil does not break down or wear out, That's not what I've heard:rolleyes:
   / Never Change Your Oil Again !! #5  
I do not understand why people keep trying to find ways around a simple and time proven maintenance task when, performed regularly @ scheduled intervals, almost garauntees a long engine life. There are definitely interesting methods floating around, but good oil combined with a quality filter are detrimental to an engines performance. Heck, I find it rewarding to change my own oil and service my own vehicles!!
   / Never Change Your Oil Again !! #6  
There are definitely interesting methods floating around, but good oil combined with a quality filter are detrimental to an engines performance. !

I don't understand that statement at all. The petroleum products probably don't wear out, but the additives do, and contaminants that mix in with the oil, may change some of the chemistry, and put your system in jeopardy. What do you think the purpose is for an oil analysis?

If one could clean the oil, remove unwanted contaminants such as water, acids, etc, and add the necessary components to use the product in the system, for which it was designed, then that would be a good thing.

Yes, you can add new oil, but you are adding it to a crankcase of old sludge, to be mixed on the first engine start.
   / Never Change Your Oil Again !! #7  
A friend of mine was claiming he is considering buying one of these systems after hearing the claims made in their advertisements. I told him I have a bridge to sell him.

Gulf Coast Filters, Inc. Specializing in Bypass Oil filters, Fuel filters, Hydraulic filters and Custom filtering

I'm not so sure this belongs in the Brooklyn Bridge category. There are a fair number of trucks, trawlers, remote generators etc that use this system and seem to do fine. I'd imagine that the lubricity of a modern synthetic oil would greatly outlast the typical oil change interval used today even if it didn't last a million miles. With oil analysis readily available it seems you could pretty easily monitor the situation and change the oil as needed rather than on a relatively arbitrary schedule. I have no idea what the system costs but it would certainly cut down on oil use and oil disposal costs. For a remote generator where you'd need to send a technician out to change the oil and perhaps require a backup generator while you did so it might make sense. Same for a trawler out at sea for a few weeks where it could easily run up over 500 hours of continuous engine use and where shutting down the engine to change the oil presents any number of problems. It does seem a bit bulky for use in a CUT but for big rigs, boats and generators it might make a lot of sense. Love to see an independent scientific/engineering review of the topic.
   / Never Change Your Oil Again !! #8  
deerefan, i don't think you meant to use the word detrimental? That means bad or harmfull to the engine.

You said
There are definitely interesting methods floating around, but good oil combined with a quality filter are detrimental to an engines performance

I think you meant to say something along these lines: Changing you oil and filter are imperitive/necessary for long engine life.
   / Never Change Your Oil Again !! #9  
Actually, I did just this. At about 110,000 miles on a 91 6 cyl Dakota, I changed the oil every 10000 miles. It would use about a quart per month or every 600 miles that I would top off. The engine ran like a top all the way to 240,000 miles or until the rest of the truck rusted away.
   / Never Change Your Oil Again !! #10  
deerefan, i don't think you meant to use the word detrimental? That means bad or harmfull to the engine.

You said

I think you meant to say something along these lines: Changing you oil and filter are imperitive/necessary for long engine life.

Been a looooonnnggg day, you are right. NOT doing so is detrimental. Thanks

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