New Holland Extended Service Plan - Question

   / New Holland Extended Service Plan - Question #11  
Has anyone purchased the New Holland ESP just before their warranty expired? I received a notice it was available from my dealer for my TC45D. I have a couple questions:
1. How much did it cost?
2. Can you choose the dealer you buy it from just like you can on autos and are they competitive.
3. Anyone know a dealer who discounts the plans?

It better to purchase at the time you purchase the tractor. Yes it cost more later for several reasons,you are more likely to need to use it. Another is no matter what you purchase everything is increasing in price.
   / New Holland Extended Service Plan - Question #12  
Yes, especially 21 years later.......
   / New Holland Extended Service Plan - Question #13  
NH structures the ESP pricing in a manner that it is best to buy at the time of purchase. You have the option of purchasing an extended service plan up to 2 years from the date of purchase on some of thier tractors but the further it gets from the date of purchase the more expensive it is.
Good to see a New Holland dealer here with some good advice!

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