I use a free down load. Search Pic. Resizer. Really easy I have problems also with pics..Trying to post some but they're too big apparently. Stay tuned! Thanks for the link TractorTYMe! How do you know it's remanufactuiwd? And by whom?
Wow! That's right off the dealer show room, unused, right?
I don't understand why you had to remove the decal?? And you think mines an original 1979? Am I hearing you correctly? Where do you think it would have been imported from when it came to the US?Had to look hard but you can see the Red Yanmar on the Hood side decal. Just before the YM 1700BD. Behind the Loader arm. I have that same Decal for the YM2000 I was able to remove. Intact! Muffler side was in terrible shape. I say 1977. Pretty sure without much doubt your 1979 so that's Org. Very
There's a Frederick's in Spokane!? Looks like all are in Alabama?Nice location. Not far from Fredricks Equipment which is a big plus. The parts for the YM1700 BD should be well supported by them.