oil filter for LS MT357

   / oil filter for LS MT357 #1  

Hammerhead Ted

New member
Jan 29, 2022
Temecula, CA
2017 Kubota L2501 and 2021 LS MT3 57 Power Shuttle Cab
I recently bought a new LS MT357 and getting the oil filter off was very difficult, because it was so short. Can anyone recommend a longer filter that fits?
   / oil filter for LS MT357 #2  
Not the answer you’re looking for, but a strap-type filter wrench will work. That’s how I got the filter off for my 50 hour service. The strap barely fit around the end, but was on well enough.

better yet, see if you can get a socket for it. (Below)

If you put a little oil on the rubber gasket on the filter, and follow recommendation to make it hand-tight plus a turn, you will never run into this issue again.

I would doubt you will get a cross reference part that is a vastly different size, so you might be gambling on a proper fit. Not worth the chance of engine issues to me.


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