Opinion on mulching and non mulching lawnmower blades ?

   / Opinion on mulching and non mulching lawnmower blades ? #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 26, 2020
Rib Lake Wisconsin
LS XR4155, Ford 6610, Ford 8n
I have never tried mulching blades on my Kubota ZD21 but am considering buying a set, have you noticed any significant difference between the two ?
   / Opinion on mulching and non mulching lawnmower blades ? #2  
I don't know that there's any advantage to JUST installing mulching blades. The deck has to have a mulching kit installed on it for the mulching blades to do very much mulching. Mulching kits for a 48 to 72 inch deck usually run in the 400 to 500 dollar range. I've had 4 zero turns and all of them with mulchers. I wouldn't own another mower without it. My latest ZT is a ZD1211 which I really like.
   / Opinion on mulching and non mulching lawnmower blades ? #3  
I run Gator mulching blades on my ZD mowers without actual mulching decks and I like them for several reasons. They definitely chop up grass finer, but not as thoroughly as a mulching deck. With a discharge chute cover they mulch as good as a real mulching deck, but it leaves a windrow at the discharge cover.
When I'm mulching leaves I generally splatter the windrow back into the uncut area with the gate open.
The Gator G6 blades also keep an edge longer than any blade I have tried. I sharpen them every 40 hours or so, and currently run a set with over 700 hours on them.
   / Opinion on mulching and non mulching lawnmower blades ? #4  
I put Gator mulching blades on my JD ZTR. Didn't seem to cost more than OEM plain blades. I don't see any downside to giving them a try.
   / Opinion on mulching and non mulching lawnmower blades ? #5  
I use JD mulching blades and a JD mulch plug to chew up leaves in the fall (beats raking). Works just fine and chews the leaves up into tiny pieces and its good for the soil. But it has to be dry to work good, doesn’t do as good when it is wet.
   / Opinion on mulching and non mulching lawnmower blades ? #6  
I'm using the "Engineer Moto", e.g. Belt & Suspenders: Mulch Kit AND Mulching blades on my Kubota Z412. Result? No windrows, no clumps, perfect combo.
   / Opinion on mulching and non mulching lawnmower blades ? #9  
There is a difference in mulching blades too. The actual gator blades have the "wings" turned so it throws clippings toward the center of the blade/spindle....the theory is that by continuing to throw the clippins towards the center of the spindle they will be cut up several times.

It is noticeable that the clippins are smaller IMO.

But the knock-off mulch blades have the "wings" re-directing the clippings AWAY from the blade.

But either style produce LESS lift....so may not mow as cleanly.

There is also an ninja type mulching blade....basically two cutting edges with one being higher. In theory, each blade of grass gets cut 2x as much as a standard blade. Never tried them though.

Short of seeing high speed camera view from under the deck trying various blades....the reality is there is little difference without making other changes (like a mulch kit) to drastically change airflow.
   / Opinion on mulching and non mulching lawnmower blades ? #10  
Gator G5's for me, they're awesome!

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