Pe-pipe a 2 in well.

   / Pe-pipe a 2 in well. #1  


Super Star Member
Sep 6, 2003
Power-Trac 1445, KUBOTA B-9200HST
My 60 year old well pipe I believe has rusted through. It went from clear water to sand in water to almost no water. I believe the sand has leaked into the casing, and stopped up the bottom of the well, and not allowing the water to fill the pipe as I try to pump. Has anyone ever re-piped a well? I have heard that if the muck is cleaned out, and a PVC casing is installed, you can recover the well. What say you.

The well is about 80 ft deep. To drill a new well around here would be about $1200.
   / Pe-pipe a 2 in well. #2  
Very little can be done to a 2" well. Probably going to have to drill a new one.
   / Pe-pipe a 2 in well. #3  
I once witnessed a well driller fix my Grandfathers jet pump by opening the top on the T that goes down to foot valve and stuck in the barrel of a .22 cal rifle and shot down to the foot valve to clean out debris it worked for a while after. He lived in Sebring at the time.
   / Pe-pipe a 2 in well. #4  
What type of pump? Downhole, jet pump or?

Running a small diameter hose down the tubing and water flushing may get the pipe cleaned out if there is enough volume and pressure from the pump you are using?
   / Pe-pipe a 2 in well. #5  
That old well kind of reminds me of an old man with arteries that are 90 percent clogged. They have served their purpose and it's time for a new one.
   / Pe-pipe a 2 in well. #6  
If you can get it done for $1200.00 I would jump on that.
   / Pe-pipe a 2 in well. #7  
If you can get it done for $1200.00 I would jump on that.

That is what I was thinking too!

Maybe drill the same hole in 4" if the casing can be pulled. Might also be a good time to go a few feet deeper too.
   / Pe-pipe a 2 in well.
  • Thread Starter
Although the well is about 80 ft, the water level in the well was at about 10 ft, and a 20 ft, 1 in drop pipe with ft valve was used.
   / Pe-pipe a 2 in well. #9  
Drop a weight down the tubing to see how deep the well is now. If you put some kitchen grease on the bottom of the weight it may bring up some debris from the bottom of the well bore. If it does it may verify your original thoughts.

It is also possible to drop a plug down the casing and pressure test at regular intervals to check the integrity of the casing.

End result other than the weight money will be spent without any gain.

It may be wise to follow the others advice and drill a new well.:)
   / Pe-pipe a 2 in well. #10  
Is it possible on a well that shallow to pull the pump up say 3-5 feet and see if the sand clears?? Just a thought.

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