Plate thickness for pintle hitch

   / Plate thickness for pintle hitch #21  
. What ever process is used, a 10 ton hitch on a truck should not even be considered by a beginner welder. Some jobs just require experience and know how and a heavy duty hitch is one of those things.

This is the relevant message. All the rest of the preening and jabbing is just that.
   / Plate thickness for pintle hitch #22  
I also think the '110v HF' was tongue in cheek. Sarcasm can be hard to covey without non-verbal cues (or juvenile emoticons). As a teriminally sarcastic person I speak from experience.
   / Plate thickness for pintle hitch #24  
The welders sold at Home Depot even though they say Lincoln on them aren't a whole lot better than HF welders.

Oh no, I better not weld up anything with my Home Depot welder...

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   / Plate thickness for pintle hitch #25  
Oh no, I better not weld up anything with my Home Depot welder... <img src=""/>

:) I think you'll be fine for most jobs. :)

This is what I used on the farm for over 40 years:


   / Plate thickness for pintle hitch #28  
That don't look like no bridge... Looks like a series of barges tied together floating on the water...
   / Plate thickness for pintle hitch #29  
I watched the original one sink.
   / Plate thickness for pintle hitch #30  
That don't look like no bridge... Looks like a series of barges tied together floating on the water...
Basically that is exactly what it is. Concrete barges, remove the road deck, and they would look like a concrete egg carton. Only thing different about the new LVM bridge is water tight doors between the cells, and alarm system if the bridge starts taken on water.

I watched the original one sink.
I watched it on TV, thought it was funny, until about 10:00 P.M. that night when I got the call to get to lake and start running anchors to try and save the 3rd Lake bridge. When the LVM bridge went down it cut 13-anchor wires to the 3rd Lake bridge. WSDOT handed the company I worked for the contract to save the 3rd Lake bridge. The company hired every free tractor tug in Puget Sound to push on the north side the 3rd Lake bridge until we could run replacement anchors.

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