Property line and neighbor mowing spraying

   / Property line and neighbor mowing spraying #1  


Elite Member
Sep 15, 2006
Frederick maryland
Kubota M7040, MF 203 industrial, ZD331, RTV 1100 , Kubota Minix excavator, Unimog 404
I have an issue with neighbor mowing on my side of the property line for a distance of about 2000 ft. I guess he wants it to look more manicured like his estate is. This is a rural farm with a tree planting along the property line on my side. Told him to stop and I put up tee stakes and fence wire along the line. He then went around the fence and mowed it again. Blocked him and put up signs next. He stopped mowing it but then I discovered that he had sprayed the same area that he used to mow with weed killer and now there is a band of brown all the way up along the line and maybe drift causing damage to the trees. I want this practice stopped and is pondering next steps.
What are some ideas you may have for the next steps to take to get this stopped.
   / Property line and neighbor mowing spraying #2  
Oh come on. You really have to ask? A person like that would not be a "neighbor" to me. Call the sheriff/police and record a trespass against him/her. The next time it happens, he/she goes to jail. You better have proof though. Like a survey of your property and game camera photos. See a lawyer for damages. As before, you need proof. Sounds to me like he wants a confrontation. Give him one but don't leave traps or you'll go to jail.
   / Property line and neighbor mowing spraying #3  
I have an issue with neighbor mowing on my side of the property line for a distance of about 2000 ft. I guess he wants it to look more manicured like his estate is.

I might be grateful to him.
   / Property line and neighbor mowing spraying #4  
My neighbor's property is weed infested with rotten, diseased, pine trees. I wish he would clean his up and mow all my property.
   / Property line and neighbor mowing spraying #5  
I have begun cutting my neighbor's dead pines that continue to fall on my fence. With no offer from him to cut them himself,or repair my fence
   / Property line and neighbor mowing spraying #6  
I can understand not wanting someone trespassing on my property but this case seems harmless. Maybe post a couple pics to show how/why this is bothering you so much?
   / Property line and neighbor mowing spraying
  • Thread Starter
The tree planting along the fence consists of about a 1000 hardwood trees that Maryland forest service and US ag service planted on my property in an effort to protect run off and discharges out to the bay along Maryland's coast. Part of the program is not to cut grass during the summer to protect wildlife and bird life. The neighbor mowing part of it violates my agreement for the planting. I have reported it to the agency and asked them to come out and inspect and record the situation. In the meantime plan to build up the fence and post more no trespassing signs along the property line
   / Property line and neighbor mowing spraying #8  
Have you just talked to the neighbor and explained all that and they might face legal issues with the state?
   / Property line and neighbor mowing spraying #9  
Have you just talked to the neighbor and explained all that and they might face legal issues with the state?

Just spraying herbicides on another's property would cause you all sorts of trouble here. Unfortunately in the OP's case, the landowner is ultimately responsible for maintaining the contract he signed to not mow the area in question
   / Property line and neighbor mowing spraying #10  
How wide an area is he mowing or spraying? Just wondering. If he were mowing say 3 to 5 feet wide I might let it go. But if you have not do at Digging It suggested. I might follow the conversation up with a registered letter to him with the agency both state and federal involved copied on the conversation and the facts again. Yes I would send the copies to those government agencies. Also as said you need proof he is doing it and would want it before I spoke with him and also include copies of the proof in those letters. Depending on he may be liable for his spraying and damage done. Know if I were spraying a crop and my spray drifted and kill another crops or timber I would be liable. Do try to be as decent as possible for you are dealing with an adjoining land owner.

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