PTO , caused death of a young man

   / PTO , caused death of a young man #2  
Did they just conclude their report 7 years later? Or did you just find that somewhere in an archive?
   / PTO , caused death of a young man
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It is just one accident I hadn't come across before. There may be new people to the forum that have not seen or read about it, or some young man has grown up now, and should probably Know about such things.
   / PTO , caused death of a young man #4  
make sure while reading that you scroll down and read the rest of the report.
Pretty scary stuff. Thanks for the post
   / PTO , caused death of a young man #5  
Yes, that was an interesting attachment and definitely worth the read. It's especially important to the TBN members who operate older equipment and pertinent to all those who wear loose clothing while operating their equipment.
Thanks for posting!
   / PTO , caused death of a young man #6  
These are truely sad stories. I had a cousin get beat to a plup when he got caught inot a PTO. He was also wearing lose clothing.
   / PTO , caused death of a young man #7  
I guess a lot of our TBN members are not old enough to remember when double knit slacks were popular in the 60s and early 70s, but a friend used to wear them to work, came home one evening, and just needed to do a little bit of mowing with the brush hog and his Farmall Model M, so he just got on the tractor without going in the house and changing clothes. I think he was finished with the mowing when he got off and said he got too close to the PTO and it caught on those slacks. Now he was a pretty good sized fellow and he managed to pull loose with no injury, but said it just ripped those slacks right off of him. Of course he was laughing about it later and said the worst part was that he had to go in the house just in his BVDs and his wife had a neighbor lady visiting. But it did give him a terrifying experience.
   / PTO , caused death of a young man #8  
In the days of corn pickers, there was always someone losing fingers, an arm or worse while clearing jammed up stalks. Those had hooked chains that carried the stalks up to the snapping rolls. You can imagine the rest. In fall weather it would be common to have at least long sleeves on if not a jacket.

It never hurts to stop and think or be reminded about safety. Thanks J_J.

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