Rabbit populations

   / Rabbit populations #1  


Super Member
Nov 25, 2009
Bobcat CT 235
Anyone else seeing an extreme explosion in the rabbit population around their places?

Not only have the population exploded, but they are also very very large, and docile to the point where you can almost walk up to them.
   / Rabbit populations #2  
One of my favorite game animals to eat besides squirrel Plus, you can buy commercially prepared rabbit at the grocery store. Not squirrel however.... :rolleyes:
   / Rabbit populations #3  
We had a rabbit and squirrel explosion, now have plenty of foxes.
Still some Rabbits and squirrels around,

Rabbit is good eating,
   / Rabbit populations #4  
Young fella down the road was raising wabbits for the fair but just before fair they got eaten by, I presume either a Fox or a Yote. Nothing left but some fur balls.

Wasn't me, I'm innocent on that one.
   / Rabbit populations #5  
Rare sight so far here this year. Turkey and deer populations seem down too.
   / Rabbit populations #6  
Anyone else seeing an extreme explosion in the rabbit population around their places?

Not only have the population exploded, but they are also very very large, and docile to the point where you can almost walk up to them.
Yep. More than most years here.

I've noticed fewer feral cats this year, and, we had a very mild winter.

I posted this a few weeks ago. They are still hanging around.

   / Rabbit populations #8  
No, we seem to have the same number of rabbits. There will be a bunch born, you will see a few of them, then fewer of them as they get bigger, until you see only one or two , or none. Then the cycle repeats.

Tree rats seem to be fewer this year but maybe we will see more when the leaves are off the trees.

We have a healthy population of hawks, owls, coyotes, and foxes...
   / Rabbit populations #9  
I see anywhere from 1-5 at times. I wouldn't mind them so much except they burrow/nest up near the house instead of out back and then if you step in one it will almost break your ankle!

I've taken a couple out with the compound bow. I bought some small game tips and put them on some arrows. I need to try a couple of them out. Just can't do it when the wife is home :)
   / Rabbit populations
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I see anywhere from 1-5 at times. I wouldn't mind them so much except they burrow/nest up near the house instead of out back and then if you step in one it will almost break your ankle!

I've taken a couple out with the compound bow. I bought some small game tips and put them on some arrows. I need to try a couple of them out. Just can't do it when the wife is home :)
Yeah, that reminds me earlier this spring I had one trying to nest about 20 feet out my front yard off my front porch just in the middle of the lawn, that made no sense to me at the time but your post brought the memory back up to mind, I even had to end up filling in the hole it had burrowed into the yard.

The night before I had noticed it out my front yard about midnight, the next morning I noticed the hole brought into the yard, along with the fur and nesting material there

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