Removing radiator for water pump replacement.

   / Removing radiator for water pump replacement. #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
The water pump in my 4320 JD Compact crapped out. It appears that I have to remove the radiator. I have everything removed but the two bolts under the radiator that have rubber on them. I just can't get them out. Am I doing something wrong?

   / Removing radiator for water pump replacement. #2  
No answer, but might help if you had all your questions in one thread, rather than starting a new one for each "hump-in-the-road". Saves searching for responses and other info already posted. Just a thought.

Some pics of what you are facing might also bring up some helpful thoughts from others.
   / Removing radiator for water pump replacement. #3  
Broken nut plates that are spinning?
   / Removing radiator for water pump replacement.
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Broken nut plates that are spinning?
It appears that they have round brass nuts with ridges moulded into the plastic on the bottom of the radiator. They broke free and it was time for the air body saw. 😡
   / Removing radiator for water pump replacement. #5  
It appears that they have round brass nuts with ridges moulded into the plastic on the bottom of the radiator. They broke free and it was time for the air body saw. 😡
Ahh the plastic anchored nut plate...... Makes install a breeze, removal not so much.
   / Removing radiator for water pump replacement. #6  
My 4320 is on its third water pump at just over 1600 hrs so I’ve done the job twice. You don’t have to remove the radiator only the fan and pulley behind it to get the pump off.
   / Removing radiator for water pump replacement.
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My 4320 is on its third water pump at just over 1600 hrs so I’ve done the job twice. You don’t have to remove the radiator only the fan and pulley behind it to get the pump off.
I don't see how I could get my hands in the shroud to take out the bolts?
   / Removing radiator for water pump replacement. #8  
Maybe remove the shroud first, then the fan blade.
   / Removing radiator for water pump replacement.
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Lol, that's not even close to my tractor. Can't get the shroud out without getting the radiator out first.

Thank you for trying to help me.
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   / Removing radiator for water pump replacement. #10  
Have not seen pics of yours.

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