RK37H Creeps When Stopped

   / RK37H Creeps When Stopped #1  


New member
Jan 23, 2023
Good Evening,

We bought a RK37H 1.5 years ago. Recently it has started to creep when I let off the pedal going forward and in reverse. It’s usually slight but it’s gotten worse lately. I pressure washed the linkages and greased them and it did not help. Anyone else have this issue?

   / RK37H Creeps When Stopped #2  
Ryan, I bought my RK37HC back in 2018 and it has always had a slight creep when stopped on a hard surface. I asked the mechanic about it and he said it was a simple adjustment. I just used the parking brake and never worried about it but I did drive away a couple times with the brake on until I got use to using it since there's no dash light for it. Recently while moving limbs and branches left from hurricane Milton I could no longer press the forward pedal. It was like it was locked up. Turned out to be that either a vine or branch bent a hydraulic line so the linkage was hitting against it. While under the tractor looking at the linkage trying to figure out the problem I saw the adjustment he was talking about. It's a single rod above the linkage right under the floorboard. In the middle there's a turnbuckle type adjustment that either lengthens or shortens the rod length. That in turn causes the single lever going into the transmission to be moved forward or back. Not sure which way you'd need to adjust it so that you'll have to experiment with. I got the line bent back so the tractor can be used but I ordered and received a new one since the old line has a slight kink. When I replace the line I'll probably trying making the adjustment on mine. I can't explain why yours has gotten worse over time unless the locking nuts on that adjustment are loose or there's some wear.

   / RK37H Creeps When Stopped
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I finally got around to messing with the turnbuckle… there is definitely a sweet spot. I went both ways a few turns and each time I adjusted I noted the results and changed accordingly. I got it very close to not moving/creeping at all. I’m going to drive it around for a week or two and if it gets worse I’ll take it in for some warranty work.

I should also note that the end links have some slop/play in them. I’m not sure if that’s part of the issue but it’s something to consider.

Thanks for the help!

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