I know this is an old thread, have you got your Kangaroo running?
I heave one a few #’s up from yours
Not many around via google searches.
We live in north eastern Washington . The Kangaroo was built in Oliver BC. That’s an hour away. We wrote a letter to Ernest Rotheisler as the museum says it’s the only way to contact him. So far no reply. Been a month.
I corresponded with Ron via private message. I have not made much progress. The engine now runs. I cleaned up the rusted fuel tank and installed a new fuel bowl. The hydraulic motors were leaking so I purchased gasket kits for both and they are on the bench waiting for me to rebuild. Currently I am waiting for a friend of a friend to stop by and help me make heads & tails of the hydraulic system. Prior to my getting this lift it was said that one of the motors was not working or not working well. Motors checked out fine, so I need someone to help me assess they hydraulic system. I will update when I make mentionable progress.
Your Kangaroo looks like it’s in great shape! For the sake of the thread, are you able to post the serial number and maybe some other photos?
It’s been a few years now, and I don’t recall whether Mr. Rothlisberger indicated that he had any owners manuals but prior to speaking with him, I corresponded with the folks at the museum. They may have documentation like owners manuals and such. This is the information I have from that time. Keep us posted. Good luck!