Who was the guy in the Jeep? There was 50-gallons barrel cut in half tha tDad had as water trough when he put the horses in the upper pasture. The neighbor girl was 3 and I was 4, my little brother was not quite 2. We could deposit him in the half barrel to be thw side kick, and he could rock it side to side, while we played Dale and Roy.
I got told I could choose the little brothers name, and I fought hard for Roy Rogers. His God parents were Scottish, so we compromised with Roy Robert. The Family called him Roy, but his god parents, and god brothers always called him RobRoy.
When he went to college, he and one of the godbrothers did a lot of rock and mountain climbing together, and the folks in that social circle knew him as RobRoy. He tell folks to give him a call, he was in the book. And they would see him the next weekend, and say they tried to call, but couldn’t find him. He was in the book as Roy. Phone Company wouldn’t list him as RobRoy, so he went and legally changed his name.