RPMs not available at startup- New NS4710

   / RPMs not available at startup- New NS4710 #11  
Yes, it's fairly common. I believe LS even had issues a couple years ago for not having that "feature".
The tractor must be started at idle, and returned to idle before shutdown. The ECU will limit the throttle control if it senses the tractor was started at anything but idle. You would need to shut the tractor down, return the throttle to idle, then start it back up. This is programmed into the engine control module to protect the turbo.

Hope this helps
   / RPMs not available at startup- New NS4710 #12  
The tractor must be started at idle, and returned to idle before shutdown. The ECU will limit the throttle control if it senses the tractor was started at anything but idle. You would need to shut the tractor down, return the throttle to idle, then start it back up. This is programmed into the engine control module to protect the turbo.

Hope this helps
There you go OP. Here is the proper info we need. Thanks for the explanation MichiganIron! Always helping people in the forum.
   / RPMs not available at startup- New NS4710 #13  
So the tractor forces the operator to do the correct thing?

Normally I'm against nannies, but this one seems like a good idea. For all I know my tractor may have the same feature, but I would never notice it.
   / RPMs not available at startup- New NS4710
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So the tractor forces the operator to do the correct thing?

Normally I'm against nannies, but this one seems like a good idea. For all I know my tractor may have the same feature, but I would never notice it.
I'm hoping this is what it is. I'm fairly certain that I've been completely dropping the revs and letting it sit for 5 minutes but it's possible I've left them slightly above min. Would much rather it be something dumb I've done that's easily solved than a manufacturer defect.

I'll know for sure next time I start it as 100% certain I was at min.
   / RPMs not available at startup- New NS4710 #15  
The tractor must be started at idle, and returned to idle before shutdown. The ECU will limit the throttle control if it senses the tractor was started at anything but idle. You would need to shut the tractor down, return the throttle to idle, then start it back up. This is programmed into the engine control module to protect the turbo.

Hope this helps

That's pretty neat, a bit of self-preservation built in.
   / RPMs not available at startup- New NS4710 #16  
I'm hoping this is what it is. I'm fairly certain that I've been completely dropping the revs and letting it sit for 5 minutes but it's possible I've left them slightly above min. Would much rather it be something dumb I've done that's easily solved than a manufacturer defect.

I'll know for sure next time I start it as 100% certain I was at min.

@MichiganIron is a Kioti dealer and internet part supplier, I would put my trust in them.
   / RPMs not available at startup- New NS4710 #17  
Interesting if engine won’t go above idle till some sensor says it can while others say run engine above idle to warm them quicker so are less polluting. I agree with starting at or close to idle but have some trouble with not being able to use the tractor till some sensor says I can.

If -10 or -20 would it ever warm up enough to use?
   / RPMs not available at startup- New NS4710 #18  
I got a Kioti NS4710 HST last week and don't think it initially was like this, but am not certain. It's been somewhat cold (0-10 degrees) overnight. I have an engine block heater and the optional fuel warmer. I've been starting it and letting it run for 10ish minutes, then raising and lowering the FEL plus curling the bucket 3+ times.

However, the throttle is not increasing the RPMs. I'll set it at max and it stays at idle. With snow on the ground, putting it to work after the temp gauge has gone up but it's not increasing the RPMs. After a few minutes of working, suddenly it will roar to life. Today it only did so after I dropped the throttle down and then upped it.

Seeing how the machine is "fixing" itself, it's not a loose cable or anything. It's also not something simple like a rev limit. The fuel came from the dealer and they said they use winter mix and have some anti gelling added in. Only possible causes I can think is the machine has a computer safety to prevent overwork until it reaches a certain temperature or the fuel is gelled and eventually works itself out.

Should I be concerned?
Are you starting it with the throttle at idle? If the throttle is not t idle,the computer will ignore your request to increase rpm.
   / RPMs not available at startup- New NS4710 #19  
"...I have .... the optional fuel warmer"

Last week at -15F I had the (treated) fuel jell for the first time and the tractor MF2705E stalled after about 15 min while clearing snow. Would love to know about the fuel warming system if anyone has links.

Was able to MacGyver the gelled fuel by connecting a hose from my car's exhaust to blow hot gases on the fuel filters and hoses. After the tractor started I switched the hose to the tractor's exhaust and continued to blow hot fumes until it seemed liquified (about 20 minutes).
   / RPMs not available at startup- New NS4710 #20  
Last week at -15F I had the (treated) fuel jell for the first time and the tractor MF2705E stalled after about 15 min while clearing snow. Would love to know about the fuel warming system if anyone has links.

Was able to MacGyver the gelled fuel by connecting a hose from my car's exhaust to blow hot gases on the fuel filters and hoses. After the tractor started I switched the hose to the tractor's exhaust and continued to blow hot fumes until it seemed liquified (about 20 minutes).

One option is a Racor heated fuel filter
Racor Parts | 4400R1210-01

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