Let me add another sensor malfunction thread here. I was mowing and suddenly my MT3 47 dropped into limp mode. F02 S636.
I found a thread here and followed it to make this repair: MT3 Crank position sensor location??
It was the crank position sensor, and it was VERY easy to change. 14mm nuts on the starter, which needs to be removed to get behind it. Then a 10mm single bolt to hold the sensor on. I had to use a pick carefully to remove the black O-ring from the old sensor that stayed behind in the hole.
I did not remove power from the starter, since it only needed to be moved enough to get behind it. I laid it on a shop towel with wiring still hooked up. There is a plastic one-way retainer holding the plug part of the sensor onto the engine block, and it took a combination of a long flat screwdriver and pliers to remove. It was probably the hardest part due to annoyance.
3+ hours since the repair and the code has not reappeared.
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