Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong

   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #22,301  
When i was a kid, i knew two families that owned a Lada. Say late 80s early 90s. They were more common than American cars here, back then
I had one, 06 model, my father had 03 model. The 03 was much better, it had 1.3 liter Motor. 06 had 1.1 liter.
The lucky ones could brag that their Motor made over 100,000 km. 63,000 miles. Usually Motor lasted one 80k miles where camshaft had to be replaced every 15-20,000km due to bad oil system construction
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   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #22,302  

Hard to believe that drivers don't look in their mirrors well enough to see the bed still up in the air.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #22,303  
Hard to believe that drivers don't look in their mirrors well enough to see the bed still up in the air.
The company I worked for 30 years ago installed a 2" red light on the dash and an annoying buzzer to remind the drivers that their beds were raised.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #22,305  
Hard to believe that drivers don't look in their mirrors well enough to see the bed still up in the air.
This was my first thought, also
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #22,306  
I had one, 06 model, my father had 03 model.
Those werent the Fiat 124 copies anymore..

VAZ (?!?) Tested a Fiat 124. In Russia, these cars were used like America uses pickup trucks; often on rough unpaved rural roads.
Spring and strut towers cracked so they used thicker steel in several parts of the car to adapt it to Russian roads. They also used a newer Fiat engine than Fiat originally used in the 124.

I think your 03 and 06 models were likely the Lada Samara ?

During that era, the Dutch importer saw a decline in sale because the prices rose to the level of a Japanese car, which was obviously better. Right now, they are an independent garage (not importer nor dealer) and have toured the USA with their tractor pullers a couple of years ago...
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #22,307  
Those werent the Fiat 124 copies anymore..

VAZ (?!?) Tested a Fiat 124. In Russia, these cars were used like America uses pickup trucks; often on rough unpaved rural roads.
Spring and strut towers cracked so they used thicker steel in several parts of the car to adapt it to Russian roads. They also used a newer Fiat engine than Fiat originally used in the 124.

I think your 03 and 06 models were likely the Lada Samara ?

During that era, the Dutch importer saw a decline in sale because the prices rose to the level of a Japanese car, which was obviously better. Right now, they are an independent garage (not importer nor dealer) and have toured the USA with their tractor pullers a couple of years ago...
Nope, the first ones of 01 lower trim and 03 "luxury" trim still were fiats and they were indestructible by Russian standards, then genius Russians decided to "improve" them. They changed the construction of motors, "improved" the materials and such. There were 01, 03 and 06 trims as well 21 "Niva" SUV.
Then the "newest and the best" 05 came in to the play. At the end of 80th came absolutely new 09 model, with front wheel drive, MacPherson suspension. It was the WOW (some 20 years behind any modern vehicle at of this time)....
Samaras? I dont know, this name came after 1990, i think the first ones where just the same old models with new name until they developed more garbage models

Actually all those vehicles which world know as "lada" were called "Zhiguli", it was it's name in the USSR.

Also, i just recalled, factory in Togliatti (Pronounce Taliatty) had a separate line to build vehicles which would be sold outside USSR. I heard those ones were much better.

I never heard of 08 model. Probably they were built for export. The first one of this kind was 09 at the end of 80th

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   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #22,308  
The company I worked for 30 years ago installed a 2" red light on the dash and an annoying buzzer to remind the drivers that their beds were raised.
The one I don't understand is drivers who forget to unlatch the tailgate before raising the bed. I almost had a dump truck full of topsoil overturn at the back of my property, because the idiot driver raised the bed to nearly full height without unlatching the tailgate. I was standing out there waiving my arms at the completely oblivious driver, who didn't stop until his front tires were off the ground. Thankfully there was no side-slope to where he was dumping, or he'd have rolled over onto his side.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #22,309  
Nope, the first ones of 01 lower trim and 03 "luxury" trim still were fiats and they were indestructible by Russian standards,
Did you live in the East back then? Because i havent seen those Fiat 124 based Ladas being sold here since the collapse of the Soviet Union.. then only the 2109 or Samara as it was called here, was sold here. Not much of them either.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #22,310  
To buy any car of any kind an average Ivan had to be on a waiting list for at least 5 years in good case, but usually more to legally buy a new one. Used ones you could buy on market for 50-100% the price of a new car. Yes, the used were more expensive than the new ones
I know, my neighbour married a German wife whose father and his eldest sister fled the Soviet occupation zone days before the border closed. Their family still lived there, so they know the stories.

The tragedy of the fall of the Berlin wall was that suddenly there was no more waiting list, not just party officials could buy a refrigerator (and often sell their old one for more than the price of a new one because they were so scarce) nor 5 year waiting list on a Trabant: overnight people could buy what they want, Opels, VWs refrigerators washers, anything and within months, everybody blew their savings on the abundance of goods available from the West. Then the economy hit a brick wall: The Eastern German factories whose products nobody purchased anymore, had cancelled orders, waiting lists turned into empty order books, and the people who were making them, ended up with no job, a new car, an empty savings account and bitter poverty...

35 years later, the former border is still visible in economic development and employment of both former republics and thats why the AfD is popular in the former east... just protest !
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