Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong

   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #9,461  
I would have to imagine that has been photo shopped
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #9,462  
Looks like a typical off-road only truck, with the brush guards, portal axles, and wider bunks (12' maybe?). A quick google of "off road logging truck" will show you many similar photos.

Those from the PNW will have large logs as shown, while those from Maine and Canada will have lots of much smaller tree-length logs piled up to similar dimensions.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #9,463  
Until recent years that truck would be pulling at least one, and sometimes two more trailers behind it.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #9,464  
My first impression was that it was fabricated, but it might not even be in the US. Deep woods logging operations do things a lot different than road haulers.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #9,466  
To me, that's a truck. No chrome or stupid graphics, and you can't see yourself in the wheels! Like that's a requirment on a truck!
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #9,467  
No pic, but saw a guy towing a boat, must have taken a turn too fast, boat tipped over to right off of trailer. Good sized boat, near bass pro shop.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #9,468  
^ Impressive trucking, but that style of clear cut logging is truly disgusting. Complete environmental devastation.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #9,470  
No pic, but saw a guy towing a boat, must have taken a turn too fast, boat tipped over to right off of trailer. Good sized boat, near bass pro shop.
I see lots of boats secured with nothing more than the bow winch...

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