My Cub Cadet SLT 1550 is blowing the 20A fuse as soon as it is inserted, even with key off and ignition switch unplugged from the back. It reads 12v DC at all times across the fuse box.
The red/white striped wire that leads from the fuse box to the DC alternator has continuity to the frame of the mower, completing the circuit. I tracked it down to the voltage regulator.
The voltage regulator has continuity from its pins to its exterior housing. This seemed wrong, so I bought a new voltage regulator. The new one has the same continuity! Should this be the case? Pic attached.
The red/white striped wire that leads from the fuse box to the DC alternator has continuity to the frame of the mower, completing the circuit. I tracked it down to the voltage regulator.
The voltage regulator has continuity from its pins to its exterior housing. This seemed wrong, so I bought a new voltage regulator. The new one has the same continuity! Should this be the case? Pic attached.