Small Grapple Boom...

   / Small Grapple Boom... #1  


Super Star Member
Mar 4, 2009
I have not done any recent searches since I first had the notion to build a small hydraulic knuckle boom mostly for logs and firewood work...

I've been thinking more and more about it (mostly as a labor/pain saver) more and more lately...

As originally encountered the first major obstacle is a rotating base...lots of ways to do it but I'm looking for the least complicated and low cost...
The plan is to make it so a 3 PH can hold it or it can be mounted on a trailer or truck bed etc...

I'm not looking for a commercial swivel base...I'm looking for a DIY solution...any ideas ?
   / Small Grapple Boom... #3  
If only about 180 degrees rotation, copy a backhoe.

If 360 degrees, try a trailer axle stub and hub. If heavy duty needed, a truck wrecking yard is likely to have a bent or broken semi-trailer or drive axle end and hub.

   / Small Grapple Boom...
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Yeah 180* is good...Sorry I didn't clarify...what I'm seeking ideas for is what moves the swivel of the boom...I have looked at some backhoes but most are more sophisticated than I would need and some would require having some parts machined etc...

Electric (12V) offers both pros and cons but I have not ruled it out...especially if I could just use a couple of generic starter motors and a flywheel...a rocker switch is cheaper than another two SCVs...
   / Small Grapple Boom... #5  
I think a starter-flywheel system would be much too fast.

Normal cranking speed for the engine is about 200 rpm.

3+ rpms per second

   / Small Grapple Boom...
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Including a gear reducer/increaser would not be too difficult but getting a bendix to work with the gear box is another issue...using a chain and sprockets is another way to go...
   / Small Grapple Boom... #7  
For 180-270 swing, some designs use a cylinder to move a chunk of 50? 60? chain past a sprocket. Some use the length of chain straight along a length of steel angle or channel, like a rack and pinion, others make most of a loop of chain and a 2nd sprocket, and pin the loose chain ends to a traveler or tensioner, that also has a mount for one end of the cylinder.

Some of the guys that make their own snowblower chute swing assemblies may have ideas you could steal, like a length of cable that goes to a winch, which is bolted to the pivoting piece with a keeper, and enough wraps of cable above and below that for the desired amount of swing.

There are patterns (or maybe pattern generators, I forget) out on the web for making templates for making any size sprocket of your own, so you could make a "ring" sprocket for the swing, then make a much smaller pinion out of two regular sprockets the same size, stacked, with pins welded to both, to push on your ring socket. Or maybe use one half of a chain shaft coupler and use it to run on the ring sprocket. Chain Couplers | Shaft Couplers | Power Transmission | (I am spitballing, I don't know how well that would work).
   / Small Grapple Boom... #8  
something like a p/u boom host?

Maybe a commercial truck junkyard has some utility co. trucks.
   / Small Grapple Boom...
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I'll be using a similar (ground) engine lift to start with...
   / Small Grapple Boom... #10  


Side loading collapses cranes and hoist. Careful with rotation. First rule in crane training, never side load. Cranes are not winches.

Modified truck crane to help in various places. Leveling helps rotation. Simple, inexpensive thrust bearing in base with bushing. Has a jam bolt for friction or lock boom from rotation. Simple tube and socket arm for rotation.

Lots of good intentions ways to get hurt or killed.

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