Snow plowing season started.

   / Snow plowing season started. #51  
Houghton MI.
   / Snow plowing season started. #52  
Had to use the snowblower three or four times this year so far. Hooked up the box blade yesterday to deal with a few inches of fluff that fell for aesthetics. That's been it. There is between one and two feet of snow in the bush here. Winters are completely hit and miss with snowfall here.
   / Snow plowing season started. #53  
Only nuisance storms here except for 8"+ on Thanksgiving day. I've plowed several times, used the snow blower zero times. We're way behind on snow fall, but there's plenty of winter remaining.
   / Snow plowing season started. #54  
Don't have any really good pics as I work alone and pulled some hours this week. I did run into one drift that was higher than the nose of my M6. Here is what I did take.
What tires are you running?
Are you pleased with them?

I went with BKT Ridemax and am pleased with them this winter so far.
   / Snow plowing season started. #55  
We've had a normal winter here in Houghton MI and my snow machines are starting to show it. That is 5 days out of the week trails are being groomed and snow is plowed. Right now I got multi system in need of service and I'm only addressing the high priority failures.. :LOL:
   / Snow plowing season started. #58  
we've had so much slop I just left my rear blade on- could have blown this week but i wanted to get the edges bladed and packed before blowing. Too our road is on a south facing mountain and there was enough warmth to keep rock fall going till not to long ago- finally frozen and the rock cleaned up- figure that means a thaw coming soon
   / Snow plowing season started. #59  
We normally average 50" per season here. The record was 120" in 1994. The lightest Winter we've had was 2 years ago when we got just 11"

I guess everyone gets a turn in the barrel.

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