Mowing So there I am mowing away

   / So there I am mowing away #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 2, 2006
in a little 2 acre undeveloped lot in the middle of town early on this Saturday morning.
I finish first and the other tractor is still going.
I'm hooking up and I look up and there's a big balloon with about 10 people in it. I wave, they wave back.
pretty cool.
I finish hooking up and look up again.
Boy, that balloon is getting big.
Oh, that balloon is going to land in our freshly mowed field. :shocked:

I get the other tractor's attention and the driver looks up and sees a great big balloon and she hustles the tractor out of the way.
Boom, right there in the middle of the field a nice big balloon.

Definitely never had that happen before.
   / So there I am mowing away #2  
in a little 2 acre undeveloped lot in the middle of town early on this Saturday morning.
I finish first and the other tractor is still going.
I'm hooking up and I look up and there's a big balloon with about 10 people in it. I wave, they wave back.
pretty cool.
I finish hooking up and look up again.
Boy, that balloon is getting big.
Oh, that balloon is going to land in our freshly mowed field. :shocked:

I get the other tractor's attention and the driver looks up and sees a great big balloon and she hustles the tractor out of the way.
Boom, right there in the middle of the field a nice big balloon.

Definitely never had that happen before.

Did they bring beer?
   / So there I am mowing away #4  
So, tell the truth, you got it with your snake gun didn't you ?!:laughing:
   / So there I am mowing away #6  
I was mowing pastures at our old farm on a warm spring day about 10 years ago. Totally oblivious to the world around me, I had no clue it was the morning of the Kentucky Derby Festival Great Balloon Race. I was even less "aware" of the giant hot air balloon that was shaped like the energizer bunny as it floated over my head, probably 100' off the deck....Until I made a turn and was looking almost straight at the tail end of a BIG rabbit.
   / So there I am mowing away #7  
Shouldn't be hitting the bottle while mowing there FWJ !:laughing:
   / So there I am mowing away
  • Thread Starter
and no photo?

I know
2 hours later I'm like "ohhhh, my phone has a camera, duh, why didn't I take a picture?"
I felt really dumb.

it was cool though.
   / So there I am mowing away #9  
Crazy balloonists think they can just land on anybody's field....
   / So there I am mowing away #10  
Crazy balloonists think they can just land on anybody's field....


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