Squished Snake ID (Icky pic, Guts)

   / Squished Snake ID (Icky pic, Guts) #1  

Diggin It

Super Star Member
Aug 12, 2018
I'm thinking, I'm thinking!
I think I know what this is and I don't like them being anywhere near me. Confused as to what happened though. It wasn't there the first time I walked past this spot, but it was when I came back about a half hour later. I'm guessing it got dun runned over by a car, but we have hawks, falcons and other predator birds, so who knows. It's the mice though .... where did they come from? Snakes eat mice, but they don't drag them around, do they?

   / Squished Snake ID (Icky pic, Guts) #3  
I know this is a copperhead, yours looks close20180719_194647.jpeg
   / Squished Snake ID (Icky pic, Guts) #4  
I think I know what this is and I don't like them being anywhere near me. Confused as to what happened though. It wasn't there the first time I walked past this spot, but it was when I came back about a half hour later. I'm guessing it got dun runned over by a car, but we have hawks, falcons and other predator birds, so who knows. It's the mice though .... where did they come from? Snakes eat mice, but they don't drag them around, do they?

View attachment 615784

Where's Sherlock Holmes when you need him? The mice look to be a somewhat older kill than the snake; perhaps he was checking out the road kill and got a little bit careless. And yes, the snake looks to be a Copperhead. I always look for the dumb bell shaped markings and the copper head.
   / Squished Snake ID (Icky pic, Guts) #5  
Where's Sherlock Holmes when you need him? The mice look to be a somewhat older kill than the snake; perhaps he was checking out the road kill and got a little bit careless. And yes, the snake looks to be a Copperhead. I always look for the dumb bell shaped markings and the copper head.

Very good Cruzer,common sense win's every time.:drink:
   / Squished Snake ID (Icky pic, Guts) #6  
Yes. Copperhead. There is a very similar looking species of harmless water snake. But on the water snake the “dumbbell” pattern is reversed where the wide part of the dumbbell is on the back of the snake and the narrow part on the side.
   / Squished Snake ID (Icky pic, Guts) #7  
Where's Sherlock Holmes when you need him? The mice look to be a somewhat older kill than the snake; perhaps he was checking out the road kill and got a little bit careless. And yes, the snake looks to be a Copperhead. I always look for the dumb bell shaped markings and the copper head.
I look at the shape of the markings. Cant tell colors that good.

Diamond shaped head is poisonous.

On a stoplight, red is on the top or the left.
   / Squished Snake ID (Icky pic, Guts) #8  
Southern Copperhead.. The northern versions I have seen in MA were a little darker.. Probably to collect more heat from the sun..
   / Squished Snake ID (Icky pic, Guts) #9  
Our copperheads look nothing like that, light brown, small scales and a small copper patch between the eyes, long and thin, yours looks more like a python or adder/viper.
   / Squished Snake ID (Icky pic, Guts) #10  
bunyip, From what I just read they are not closely related to your Copperheads in Australia. The US species is Agkistrodon contortrix

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