No system of governing has ever, or will ever be perfect.
And it's not just govt, but large organizations in general. Ever try and get something new done in a large corporation ? Smart corporations put a lot of ergs into fighting that internally, but that's a whole other thread or 2 on it's own.....
Those who know me (real-world) realize that I build to code, and often better. Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with water fountain arcs though, yet.....
So no, I'm not advocating shoddy construction either.
With Govt, and large companies, the default smart play is often to
Do Nothing. General inertia is a big part of that, but fear of liability is too - better to make no decision, than one that may apportion blame.....
A well worn footpath on a side-hill in a public park - logical place to put stairs - Right ? Not so fast...... I can see a Consultants Report being needed to put in front of Council, then one counciller needs clarification, so the report gets sent back for amendment....... and on and on......
But this time this process actually wraps up (final stairs built) I can see even that $150k (Can.) # coming up fast. Not joking, and I've deliberately skipped over the "other" factors that typically siphon off money in govt contracts.....
Even major cities have to (at least pretend to) pay attention to budgets. So once you have something like a $5k stair costing 15 to 30 times what it should, then that tends to lead to situations like this Etobicoke park being ignored. Yes, residents there (and elsewhere) have plenty of reasons to be fed up with this systemic inefficiency.
Getting Things Done really only comes down to
Make a Decision, and
Take Action. Sometimes, officialdom (and myself, being honest :laughing
needs to be reminded of that.
Rgds, D.