Start Lawn Care In August?

   / Start Lawn Care In August? #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 5, 2013
Kubota B2650HST. Kubota Z125S
Hello Everybody,

In April I reseeded some areas of the lawn and did nothing else. The areas have now grown, and the yard in general looks kind of rough. I mow and trim but what I mean is there is clover, crabgrass, gone-by dandelions, and other weeds. So, can I apply a weed and feed now? I know the weeds die off in the fall but this might give me a jump start.
Oh, almost forgot. I have a blueberry patch with 300 plants. Is it safe to apply weed and feed in that area too? I prefer granular rather than liquid.
   / Start Lawn Care In August? #2  
You can weed and feed a few times a year, I generally do it 3-4 times a year on my commercial property. Your seed has been established long enough to hit it with some as well.

I would figure out what fert you are using then check with the bushes. Most are sorta okay for trees and bushes and a little wouldn't hurt them, but hitting them with a lot of it might be bad depending on what you use. Since you are using granular, maybe find a spreader with an edge guard that will stop it from spreading all over bushes.
   / Start Lawn Care In August?
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I just learned about edge guards on spreaders. My blueberry bushes are 7 feet apart in rows that are 10 feet apart so it will be hard to do. Blueberry bushes have very shallow roots too.
   / Start Lawn Care In August? #4  
there is an option to use drop spreader. Scotts Turf Builder Classic Drop Spreader
   / Start Lawn Care In August? #5  
I just learned about edge guards on spreaders. My blueberry bushes are 7 feet apart in rows that are 10 feet apart so it will be hard to do. Blueberry bushes have very shallow roots too.

i know my dads bushes he hits with some nitrogen heavy stuff. A lot of organic grass fertilizers are mainly nitrogen boosts, might be able to talk to a local company and find one that would benefit both, or at least not hurt the bush.

@suburbanfarmer has a good idea with the drop spreader too.

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