TC29DA no instrument lights or headlights and now wont turn over DEAD!

   / TC29DA no instrument lights or headlights and now wont turn over DEAD!
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....quick note, Dealership thinks it may be the operator safety circuit ICU...on order and will be here today. Thanks to everyone and I will keep updating status.....BM
   / TC29DA no instrument lights or headlights and now wont turn over DEAD! #12  
I have the same tractor, have had all the starting problems. Something to seriously check (or replace) is the positive battery terminal. I was roading about ten miles to brushhog our vacant lot. Left the house with a fully charged battery (tender showed green). Drove about 8 miles, stopped to take a leak and forgot to put in neutral and it died. Wouldn't restart. Called my wife and we jump started it without a problem. I know the battery was good and the switch was recently replaced. Didnt even want to think about the alternator. Anyway, read on this forum about the positive battery terminal being corroded inside. Last weekend I sawed it off, peeled back the rubber coating on the wire and sure enough corrosion! Last weekend I connected a generic terminal and it fired without issue. We'll see if this fix "stands the test of time".
   / TC29DA no instrument lights or headlights and now wont turn over DEAD!
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#13 were exactly right!!! I just now read your post as I was going to post the was the positive battery cable at the battery! Replaced the cable terminal with a 3.50 terminal and all is fixed!!!!! now have to try and convince the dealership to take back the 167.00 worth of electronics!!!
   / TC29DA no instrument lights or headlights and now wont turn over DEAD! #14 were exactly right!!! I just now read your post as I was going to post the was the positive battery cable at the battery! Replaced the cable terminal with a 3.50 terminal and all is fixed!!!!! now have to try and convince the dealership to take back the 167.00 worth of electronics!!!
Thanks for posting the fix. Seems a lot of people forget to post the fix after they finally find it.
   / TC29DA no instrument lights or headlights and now wont turn over DEAD! #15 were exactly right!!! I just now read your post as I was going to post the was the positive battery cable at the battery! Replaced the cable terminal with a 3.50 terminal and all is fixed!!!!! now have to try and convince the dealership to take back the 167.00 worth of electronics!!!
Your problem is a VERY common one!
Surprised that your dealer did not know that.
High school kid mechanics?
   / TC29DA no instrument lights or headlights and now wont turn over DEAD! #16  
Your problem is a VERY common one!
Surprised that your dealer did not know that.
High school kid mechanics?
Haven't you heard the old saw about not fixing tractors that lay golden eggs? 😀
   / TC29DA no instrument lights or headlights and now wont turn over DEAD! #17  
Did you every figure out the issue? I have the exact same problem now
   / TC29DA no instrument lights or headlights and now wont turn over DEAD! #18  
Check your battery cables for internal corrosion as stated above.Good luck.

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