TC35 no start issues

   / TC35 no start issues #11  
Sounds like you’re covering everything, fuel to injection pump , air bled , shut off solenoid works. I wonder if you’re fuel rack is stuck in the injection pump?
   / TC35 no start issues
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Sounds like you’re covering everything, fuel to injection pump , air bled , shut off solenoid works. I wonder if you’re fuel rack is stuck in the injection pump?
That’s what it’s looking like. Wanted to eliminate everything else first.
   / TC35 no start issues #13  
I can handle the pump repair if need be..
U might have broken gear teeth.. which will lock the rack up just that fast.. be thankful it locked in the s/o position and not wide open..
U can contact me thru here or my screen name at aoldotcom in your home mail server..
   / TC35 no start issues #14  
Does that injection pump have a acess hole at the front cover? You can check that its non screwed up and actualy turning.
   / TC35 no start issues #15  
I had a similar situation on a tractor I was working on..
New pumping plungers in pump, I overhauled it so I know it was put together correctly..
I cranked and cranked on that thing till the cows came home.!!
I loosened the inlet line and fuel would POUR OUT..
I did a compression test.. it was low but acceptable..
O/h the injectors..
Same thing, crank and crank..
“I knew” that wasn’t the problem because I had “plenty” of fuel at the inlet when I was bleeding it..
All of a sudden I hear a POP on my first blast of air..!!
“Something” was in the line restricting the the fuel flow just enough to keep the pump from pumping..
I thought I was getting enough fuel, but after that POP..I definitely was getting enough fuel.!!!
I turned the key and she roared to life..
I don’t recommend u start at the pump inlet seeing you have a supply pump and could rupture the diaphragm.. but I would pull the feed line off the supply pump, LOOSEN OR TAKE OFF the tank cap and give it a shot of compressed air.. and listen for bubbles..
Good luck
   / TC35 no start issues #16  
I had a similar situation on a tractor I was working on..
New pumping plungers in pump, I overhauled it so I know it was put together correctly..
I cranked and cranked on that thing till the cows came home.!!
I loosened the inlet line and fuel would POUR OUT..
I did a compression test.. it was low but acceptable..
O/h the injectors..
Same thing, crank and crank..
“I knew” that wasn’t the problem because I had “plenty” of fuel at the inlet when I was bleeding it..
All of a sudden I hear a POP on my first blast of air..!!
“Something” was in the line restricting the the fuel flow just enough to keep the pump from pumping..
I thought I was getting enough fuel, but after that POP..I definitely was getting enough fuel.!!!
I turned the key and she roared to life..
I don’t recommend u start at the pump inlet seeing you have a supply pump and could rupture the diaphragm.. but I would pull the feed line off the supply pump, LOOSEN OR TAKE OFF the tank cap and give it a shot of compressed air.. and listen for bubbles..
Good luck
I did that yesterday but to the line from the tank to the fuel filter.

My TC45DA acted like it was out of fuel, the tank had lots of fuel it, but none ran out when I pulled the line from tank to the fuel filter.

My tire inflater had enough volume and pressure to clear the line, so I didn’t have to tow it to the shop.
   / TC35 no start issues
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Update. Overnight the fuel rack plunger extended. I pushed it in, it stuck. Going to watch it. If it extends again, going put everything back together, leave ignition key on overnight (battery charger hooked up) see if it starts in the morning. If it does I can remove loader from tractor so I will have good access to injector pump.
I did blow back into tank. Looks like fuel flow improved but not 100% sure. Will blow back through line again before I try and start.
BTW, if I remove injector pump and don’t do anything other than try and free up fuel rack, I should be able to bolt back in place without timing anything, right?
   / TC35 no start issues #18  
Yes, the pump times with shims under the pumps mounting flange.. they’ll either stick to the pump or to the block..
Do u have experience going into inj. pumps.?? U can cause WAY MORE damage than u can fix..
But good luck anyway..

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