TC35D Wire Problem

   / TC35D Wire Problem #1  


New member
Jun 12, 2016
New Holland TC35D
I have a TC35D New Holland. The hydrostat (my first). I like operating it but the maintenance is way more than my old John Deer.. The Mice seem to love the Chinese wire that use. They eat insulation copper and all. They ate 16 wires on the back of the relay block under the instrument panel, 8 of them are the same color. I see manuals out there for $400 + and a wiring harneses for $700 +.. Maybe Congress can afford that but what do people with kids and families do? I let go of a John Deer with a cracked axle to get what should be my last tractor. It is shiny but the maintenance is not for working folks. Anybody know the pin-out for the relay block? I'll go find the other end of each wire..
Nuf said, Can anyone help?
   / TC35D Wire Problem #2  
Someone awhile back posted a link to a complete manual download. I no longer remember who that was or the link location. Here is a pdf of the pin locations on the back of the panel if that is what you need. The whole manual is quite large. Hope this helps.


  • TC35 InstrumentPanel.pdf
    173.6 KB · Views: 111
   / TC35D Wire Problem
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Someone awhile back posted a link to a complete manual download. I no longer remember who that was or the link location. Here is a pdf of the pin locations on the back of the panel if that is what you need. The whole manual is quite large. Hope this helps.

Thanks but my mice ate the back of the relay panel. They ate the wire off flush so you can't see what color they were. Service here is $110/hour. I soldered pig-tails on all the terminals, so I did not pay $110/hour for soldering, and then did a service call. $400 later I am running again.
The Service manual he had contained a schematic that showed wire colors (were completely wrong) and the numbers marked on each wire. The numbers are correct though it mat be routed differently that the diagram shows. For example from A to B, then to C, mught actually be from A to C, then to B.. Electrically that makes no difference but each of those wires has a different number so you need to make a cheat sheet that says stuff like AB=AC=BC. I'm $400 smarter now ;-)

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