The lady bugs are out again

   / The lady bugs are out again #1  


Veteran Member
Dec 16, 2006
Smith Valley, Nevada
NH TC29DA, F250 Tremor, Jeep Rubicon
We were up at 9,500' this weekend and the whole area was covered with them. Beautiful.


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   / The lady bugs are out again #3  
They are somewhat beautiful, but I hate those things. They released millions of them a few years ago in my area and we couldn't keep them out of the house.
   / The lady bugs are out again #4  
I've quite a number of them in the past, but nothing even close to that.:cool:
   / The lady bugs are out again #5  
Lady Bugs are great but Asian Lady Beetles look similar and once or twice a year we get that many on our windowsills! -- they also smell when crushed and bite! -- those things are kinda like a cockroach with better PR.
   / The lady bugs are out again
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They are great for gardens because they eat aphids. They are actually packaged and sold for that purpose. Plus they add a nice bit of color.
   / The lady bugs are out again #7  
Lady Bugs are great but Asian Lady Beetles look similar and once or twice a year we get that many on our windowsills! -- they also smell when crushed and bite! -- those things are kinda like a cockroach with better PR.

We get them here too, in the attic?? How can you tell if they are the true ladybug?
   / The lady bugs are out again #8  
If they are in your house in large numbers they are lady beetles -- the asian lady beetle was introduced to eat -- Ahpids -- good for the farmer, bad for the house! The lady beetle tends to be more orange than red but they vary in colour a lot. Luckily when they crawl in to hibernate in the fall they do not reproduce before they leave in the spring. If you see them on your house in the fall, hose em off before they get in.
   / The lady bugs are out again #9  
Raspy said:
We were up at 9,500' this weekend and the whole area was covered with them. Beautiful.

That is cool. But how did you count them all?

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