Thinking of Buying Snowmobile or UTV

   / Thinking of Buying Snowmobile or UTV #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 5, 2013
Kubota B2650HST. Kubota Z125S
i have spent too much time indoors during the past two winters (since retiring), and am thinking about buying a snowmobile. My area usually gets plenty of snow, and there are a lot of trails around here. Some people have told me that a UTV might be a better option because it's more handy year round and can still be used in the winter on trails (but not as effective as a snowmobile.) I have never operated a UTV and haven't been on a snowmobile in many years.

I know there is a lot of experience on this board, what do you think? Thanks.
   / Thinking of Buying Snowmobile or UTV #2  
I would suggest a UTV. Year round use and they can handle snow - off of trails - up to about a foot deep, depending upon model, its configuration & snow conditions. The UTV will not handle deep snow because they loose traction. They tend to "ride up" on deep snow and the wheels will no longer make contact with the ground. I don't have a UTV but have used my neighbors in the winter. He loads the back bed with gravel which helps - the weight causes the unit to break thru the snow and maintain contact with the ground. If you can drive a car or tractor then you will be able handle a UTV.

There is one overriding fact - either the UTV or snowmobile will cost big $$$. Are you prepared to see that large investment just sit in storage during the non-snow months - and if you buy a snowmobile what will you use in the summer?? I know some may say that the snowmobile can be modified for summer use - - but really, that is a weird situation.
   / Thinking of Buying Snowmobile or UTV #3  
I would lean towards UTV.
Snowmobile going to set idle about 9months,may want to check but some clubs don't allow UTV's on trails.
UTV great if you like to ice fish..hint..hint. ;)
If still undecided there plenty good used snowmobiles for sale at fair price.
   / Thinking of Buying Snowmobile or UTV #4  
Why not get both. I agree UTV's will give you much more use throughout the year but my experience that UTVs just cannot compete with a snowmobile when it comes to snow. They will do ok in less than a foot of snow but as soon as you find your first drift the thing is buried.

I know they make tracks for UTVs but they cost about as much as a used snowmobile and then there's the hassle of switching them over. The one good thing about snowmobiles is they depreciate in value pretty rapidly so you can usually find some really good deals. If you do end up getting a snowmobile make sure you get one with reverse.
   / Thinking of Buying Snowmobile or UTV #5  
I've thought about buying a used snowmobile because they make good, packed walking trails in winter. After the snow gets too deep, we lose the use of most of our trails. The trail made by a snowmobile would also be fine for cross country skiing.

Cross country skiing is a good winter activity. You can do it at your own pace, good exercise, low investment.
   / Thinking of Buying Snowmobile or UTV #6  
The UTV could be used more than the snowmobile. However if you are looking for enjoying a winter activity, get the snowmobile. As stated earlier some clubs don't allow UTVs on the trails
   / Thinking of Buying Snowmobile or UTV #7  
If you want something to ride year round, the UTV would be best.
But in my experience UTV/ATV's are near useless in anything over 6" of snow.
For winter use get the snowmobile. Nice used ones can be usually be found and very reasonable prices if you look around.
   / Thinking of Buying Snowmobile or UTV #8  
I don't run the trails in Vermont...great to do if one has the interest and is in decent physical condition (I have neither). UTVs are great machines, but I sure wouldn't take mine (a Gator 855D) on a trail in snowy weather...heck, I've had it stuck just going out to the wood pile!
Tracks are something of interest, but even with tracks, a UTV may be too wide for some trails.
   / Thinking of Buying Snowmobile or UTV #9  
The only trails in this neck of the woods are abandoned & refurbished railroad easements. They are all posted "No motorized vehicles". Otherwise - you are on your own on state, federal, BIA, BLM etc land.
   / Thinking of Buying Snowmobile or UTV #10  
i have spent too much time indoors during the past two winters (since retiring), and am thinking about buying a snowmobile. My area usually gets plenty of snow, and there are a lot of trails around here. Some people have told me that a UTV might be a better option because it's more handy year round and can still be used in the winter on trails (but not as effective as a snowmobile.) I have never operated a UTV and haven't been on a snowmobile in many years.

I know there is a lot of experience on this board, what do you think? Thanks.

After living in Wyoming for 40 years, my aunt and uncle immediately packed up and moved back to Texas upon retirement. Leaving behind a very large circle of close friends. My uncle stated "I'm not living half of my life cooped up indoors!"

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