/ TODAYS SEAT TIME #13,791  
Some snowblower p%rn from this AM. Had 8 - 10" with drifts to 18".







Machine is in the shop melting/drying now. I will leave the blower on for awhile in case the street plows block the driveway later.
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #13,793  
Here no snow but temp fell to 21 F

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #13,794  
Tuff seat time today.

I guess it’s an end of an era. After 35 years our careers are over, our children are on their own and doing well, and the last of our pets namely Effie i buried today with his brothers. I wonder what the next chapter will be.

I came to the conclusion the to be happy it’s about being able to give up things. When we are 2 we have to give up our ultra ego, when we are 5 we have to come out from our mothers apron, when we are 16 we have to give up a romantic relation, when we our older we have to give up our health then we eventually have to give up life itself. Don’t worry be happy life.

RIP to our pets…Sam, Carlisle, Blacky, Casper, Baby and Effie.

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #13,797  
We had another nuisance snow here maybe 2-3 inches with a bit of rain and sleet under it. So a couple of hours of shoveling and the tractor scrapping again.

29 jan 1.jpg
29 jan 5.jpg

   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #13,799  
Mr. Sawyer Rob, what are your planned uses for the new tractor? You're generally using big iron.

You got it in the right color, by the way!
   / TODAYS SEAT TIME #13,800  
Mr. Sawyer Rob, what are your planned uses for the new tractor? You're generally using big iron.

You got it in the right color, by the way!
I already have a Kubota close to that size and it needs a bit of work that I don't want to spend the money on. The diesel and pto driveline are still good, so it will probably stay on the pto generator. The new one will be used to plow a little snow, till the gardens and do small jobs like that.

I have been thinking about replacing the old one for the last couple years and I knew exactly what tractor I wanted to get. I found a dealer that had two of them at "I want to get rid of them" prices, so I bought it at a very good price.

So far, I like the updates the new tractor has compared to the old one.


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