Received an EverythingAttachments grapple today, issue free. Examined it fully, the build quality is superb.
The hose saver kit bolted right up on the tractor using the bolt already on the loader crossmember, but is a little too tall as it rests against the brush guard when the loader is lowered all the way. I will likely heat and bend it forward to make an inch of clearance.
Hooked up the grapple, greased the fittings, and checked that all the hoses would travel freely and nothing would be pinched. Everything looked good.
Started cleaning up some brush piles and various limbs that've fell over the winter. Whether I was after a big bite from a pile, or just picking up a small stick to add to the top of the pile, it'd grab whatever I'd point it at. I love this grapple.
On the way back across the field, I was passing near one of the many rocks that've grown out of the field and are starting to cause cutter issues. I've been planning on taking the backhoe around and burying them all, but decided to see how well the grapple might do at a smaller one (basketball sized). I pulled up to it and bumped it to see if it would wiggle any, it did. I centered up on it and dug the lower tines in a few inches away, closed the lid on it, rolled it back and up popped a HUGE rock (about the size of a ball-bag with a dozen basketballs in it)... Carried the rock down out of the field and added it to my rock pile.
Feeling adventurous, I decided to go clean up the stones from my stone gate pillar out front where a drunk wiped it out a couple hours into the new year. Some of the stones were thrown about 40 feet away into a swamp. First two, the only two I originally knew about, were easy to pull down to the edge and nab with the grapple and pull up out of the mud. While down there, I saw a third that was a little farther out. I thought I could get it with just the front tires in the swamp a little bit, so I went back in for the attempt. I got in far enough to get the rock, but it couldn't back up the hill to get out. I tried putting old fenceposts across the muck and use the grapple against them to help lift and push me out. During this process, one of my hydraulic hoses was apparently pushed aside and got into a pinch-point and ended up severed. I got a second person to hold reverse while I tried dragging it up the hill with the backhoe. Hooked the truck up with a chain and pulled. Nothing worked.
By this time, my front tires are totally under mud. Mud over the front axle. Mud over the front weight bracket and partly up the lower grille panels. The steps on the sides were setting on firm ground.
Went to a couple of the neighbors houses and couldn't find anyone home, so went across the hill and got a guy with a big wrecker to come winch it out. Interesting day to say the least...
Tomorrow I'll need to get the hose replaced...