What痴 in that container of Weed Preventer?
In the mid 1970's, I used to help plant almost 1,000 acres of soybeans using the herbicide Treflan,,
Treflan is the active ingredient in that yellow box of "PREEN"
My job was running the tractor that applied the liquid spray to the soil,, and disked the chemical into the soil.
If applied correctly,, no weeds
If you missed a spot,, weeds as thick as you could imagine,,, (a strip as little as 6" wide showed up VERY distinctly!!)
If you accidentally overlapped,, (double sprayed) ,, nothing grew there that year,, at least for 3 months.
I had to keep that 20,000 pound, dual wheeled tractor at the accurate, correct location next to the last pass,, ALL DAY LONG!!
That was VERY mentally exhausting,, I imagine the computers on the tractors REALLY help these days,,,
So, here it is over 40 years later, and I find a version of Treflan in the store,, I gotta try it,,,
The Preen is kinda weak, but it does work some,, so far,,
I ordered two quarts of the full strength liquid off of eBay, but, I have not applied that,,, yet,,
The liquid is the same strength stuff I applied in the 1970's,,