Trying to remove 50 inch oak tree stump with Bobcat backhoe. Struggling

   / Trying to remove 50 inch oak tree stump with Bobcat backhoe. Struggling #11  
Drill as big a hole as youcan in the center of the stump, then another hole from the side angled down into the center hole, fill with diesel until it runs out of the hole on the side. Let is soak for a day, then light it up & it will burn down from the inside out.
   / Trying to remove 50 inch oak tree stump with Bobcat backhoe. Struggling #12  
Like everyone else said, burn it. But bring a snickers or seven of'em even.
   / Trying to remove 50 inch oak tree stump with Bobcat backhoe. Struggling #13  
Keep digging until it falls over in the hole.
   / Trying to remove 50 inch oak tree stump with Bobcat backhoe. Struggling #14  
Drill as big a hole as youcan in the center of the stump, then another hole from the side angled down into the center hole, fill with diesel until it runs out of the hole on the side. Let is soak for a day, then light it up & it will burn down from the inside out.
The side hole is for draft, to burn hotter?
   / Trying to remove 50 inch oak tree stump with Bobcat backhoe. Struggling #15  
If you don't need it gone below ground, grind it off nice and low and backfill. I have seen BIG excavators fight with much smaller stumps, like Elm, even left good and high.

I have never managed to burn big stuff, fresh and wet.

I also, never like to beat up little equipment doing more than they were ever intended to do.
   / Trying to remove 50 inch oak tree stump with Bobcat backhoe. Struggling #17  
The down hole is the chimney and the side hole is the draft,---making a rocket stove out of the stump! It will work!
   / Trying to remove 50 inch oak tree stump with Bobcat backhoe. Struggling #18  
Some 60% dynamite and a pry bar was a quick and effective solution before 9/11 made it so difficult to get explosives. Burning is safer and less likely to bring the heat and light into your yard 😝
   / Trying to remove 50 inch oak tree stump with Bobcat backhoe. Struggling #19  
A friend learned he needed a couple more units for his degree and any elective would do. He chose the Stumpblasting course! Oregon State U, as I recall.
   / Trying to remove 50 inch oak tree stump with Bobcat backhoe. Struggling #20  
If that stump is anywhere close to 50 inches, you are not going to get it out even if you ever move it. Also the root depth depends on the tree and the soil. Some oaks go very deep here (water/pin oak) and others (white and red) sometimes barely go a foot. My 140 would eventually get that stump turned over then take another 30 mins knocking dirt loose just to get it out of the hole. Somebody mentioned a 320 or 200. My 200 could handle it but it wouldnt be easy and would still have to knock dirt off just to get it out of the hole.

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