Type A automatic transmission fluid

   / Type A automatic transmission fluid #1  


Elite Member
Sep 15, 2006
Frederick maryland
Kubota M7040, MF 203 industrial, ZD331, RTV 1100 , Kubota Minix excavator, Unimog 404
I have an old Massey Ferguson tractor where the hydraulic system for the loader as well as the power steering calls for type A transmission fluid according to the original manuals. Can it be substituted with Dexdron III fluid?
   / Type A automatic transmission fluid #2  
you may actually luck up and find some type a from off brand bottelers.. but I see lots of recmendations for the dex III as a repalcementr for the b and older A
   / Type A automatic transmission fluid #3  
I have an old Massey Ferguson tractor where the hydraulic system for the loader as well as the power steering calls for type A transmission fluid according to the original manuals. Can it be substituted with Dexdron III fluid?
Yes, I believe so. From ftp://rohan.sdsu.edu/pub/mml/archive/Drivetrain/atf.txt
The A/AQ-ATF/Dexron fluids are BACKWARDS-COMPATIBLE. That means that all
transmissions that called for Type-A, AQ-ATF, Dexron, Dexron II, Dexron
II-d, Dexron II-e, or Dexron III should now be using Dexron III.
If it works in an automatic transmission that originally called for Type A, I have no reason to believe it won't work as a substitute for the Type A fluid your tractor originally called for.

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