Vicsec VC13 mini-excavator

   / Vicsec VC13 mini-excavator
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I also got around to installing the aux A/B valves today. I plugged the spare valve ports with the caps that originally came with the machine, both to keep dirt out as well as in case the valves get turned by accident.

While I was at it, I finished wrapping all of the hoses that go to the stick. For the record, 10 meters was not nearly enough to do the entire machine. I have less than 2 meters left and a half dozen hoses on the boom left to cover, so I will have another 10m on the way shortly.

Since I’m posting pictures, I have also included a photo of my installed hydraulic cooler mount (prior to the hoses/power being connected). Seems to be holding up well enough after 10 hours, so I am declaring that one a solid win.


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   / Vicsec VC13 mini-excavator
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I am still working to find suitable hoses/fittings for connecting my cushion valve. My preferred hose shop looked at me blankly when I asked about DIN 2353 Light fittings, so I visited another local shop yesterday to see if they had what I need. While they had all of the required parts, they quoted me around $240 for making the four hoses that I need. I can get the same four custom hoses from Discount Hydraulic Hose for nearly half the cost, and I believe that I can almost halve the cost again by using fittings in place of two of those hoses. I intend to chat with them tomorrow to confirm my plan and place an order.

At this point, I wish that I had ordered the $250 kit from Central Digger Supply. (Due to their current military service, they're presently out of stock and have taken the kit down from their store, so I can't link to it directly at the moment.) I have spent a lot of time coming up with my own solution, and I ultimately won't end up saving all that much over the kit. However, the process has taught me a lot, which should save some time with future hose repairs. Lesson learnt.
   / Vicsec VC13 mini-excavator #34  
Have you found a good spec sheet for fluid change? I've found a couple different generic ones. Im looking to clean and flush the hydraulic system and the engine oil. At the same time, I plan to install a cooler and filter.
   / Vicsec VC13 mini-excavator #35  
Have you found a good spec sheet for fluid change? I've found a couple different generic ones. Im looking to clean and flush the hydraulic system and the engine oil. At the same time, I plan to install a cooler and filter.
I don't know what you expect to get from the maker. Since these units use a simple gear pump, and use no piston motors or wet brakes, standard hydraulic fluids are fine. Your new, clean generic ISO fluid from Walmart is fine. Just get the original fluid (and manufacturing swarf) out while the machine is still new.

The engines are Honda-clone gasoline, so you can follow Honda advice for that. Or Briggs, if you have one of those.
   / Vicsec VC13 mini-excavator #36  
sounds good. The one sheet i saw said a standard ISO 46 hydraulic oil. I think i will buy a 5 gallon bucket of that from tractor supply so i have some extra. thanks
   / Vicsec VC13 mini-excavator
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Have you found a good spec sheet for fluid change? I've found a couple different generic ones. Im looking to clean and flush the hydraulic system and the engine oil. At the same time, I plan to install a cooler and filter.
I used ISO 46 and 10W-30 in my machine for year-round use, as the temperature never gets really cold or hot here. In that regard, the best choice depends on your local climate; some people use different weights at different times of the year. For the engine, use a lower first (W) number in cold climates, and a larger second number for hot climates. For hydraulic fluid, ISO 32 can used in cold climates, and ISO 68 in hot climates. Lots of other variables, but that's probably the biggest one worth considering.

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