Planting some garlic again this year and I had my dad run my 48" Buhler tiller that had been used once before according to the owner, looks like it too. I picked up on FB for $800 (on his new JD 1025r) I bought to modify for my 425. I got to say the tiller ran better on that way better than mine ran a 42" Dingo tiller I rented last year. I don't think it even gave his tractor a workout.
Didn't have enough time to make a dragging bedder so I had some scrap wood laying around and made a pretty rudimentary one and attached to a pallet and used my forks to just push and make about a 8in deep bed. Worked pretty well and it made a good hard walking path on the sides. Dropping in about 1300 cloves of garlic in the ground in the next day or two. If I could figure out how to drop them every 6in in with the PT, I'd be in heaven.