What Is The 960 PTO Used For.

   / What Is The 960 PTO Used For. #1  

Al Mac

Silver Member
Jul 8, 2014
Kubota 2920
Well I guess the title says it all. I thought all 3 point pto driven implements were 540 RPM. On what implements would the 960 RPM be used. My first guess would be a implement under little load so the engine could run at a lower RPM like a generator or a water pump.
I am sure that it is on the tractor for a reason.

   / What Is The 960 PTO Used For. #2  
Yep. ... Pumps, tiller, blower, gen under light steady load, etc. Also on bona fide 1000rpm implements of course. These are ordinarily high horsepower implements tho..
   / What Is The 960 PTO Used For.
  • Thread Starter
So as I have a 3 point snowblower and I am using the 540 range when blowing snow. Can I use the 960 range for cleaning up the light stuff that has little load on the machine but I still want to blow it a distance.
If so what engine RPM should I use not to damage the blower.

   / What Is The 960 PTO Used For. #4  
So as I have a 3 point snowblower and I am using the 540 range when blowing snow. Can I use the 960 range for cleaning up the light stuff that has little load on the machine but I still want to blow it a distance.
If so what engine RPM should I use not to damage the blower.


Overspeeding would toss that snow great....

Until the gearbox blows up, which wouldn't take long.

540 implements don't like running at 1000.
   / What Is The 960 PTO Used For. #5  
there are 3 industry strandards today (used to be more). 540, 1000 small, 1000 large. As stated above normally as you upgrade in the pto speed app then it is either for higher hp units or higher hp demands from the imp. Can't speak to all late model brands but in many cases if you have the ability to run at either 540 or 1000 it would require the reversing of the output shaft, or a different output shaft. In many cases the appropriate shaft makes the speed shift change internally to assist in not overspeeding implements. There could be machines out there that allow you to run at 1000 rpm w/ a 540 output shaft but as stated above, don't do it. It will be very hard on the implement. On the reverse side there are many a older tractor in the field today w/ 1000 rpm only running 540 imp via a d-line change or pto adapter. In this instance the machine normally has excessive hp for the imp being ran and the operator with the help of a manual tach on the pto shaft will identify what engine rpm he can run to maintain 540 speed with out over speeding the imp.
   / What Is The 960 PTO Used For. #6  
It has been a while since I've been around ag tractors. I thought the 540 rpm and 1000 rpm were different physically. The 540 has 6 spines and the 1000 rpm had like 20 small splines. I recall the size was similar and in college I learned that the same physical sized material could transmit more power by spinning faster, hence the higher hp rigs would have the 1000 rpm.

So is this 3rd one (1000 small?) be a physical 540 hook up, but then allow you to run at 1/2 throttle to achieve the 540 rpm (and if you throttled up would over speed the implement)? (So isn't this the OP's question?)
   / What Is The 960 PTO Used For. #7  
RaydaKub, I am with you.

I have been around the world and back again farming in different countries. 540 implements have a shaft that will not fit 1000 drives and vice versa. The people who make the implements fit either or, not both. The tractor might have both, but anybody attempting to change things so that 540 implements run at 1000 or 1000 ones at 540 has more money than sense. I have yet to see a 3rd option, so cannot comment on that. I would like to see a photo.
   / What Is The 960 PTO Used For. #8  
540 is 1.375 6 spline, 1000 small is 1.375 21 spline, 1000 large is 1.75 20 spline. But yes if running a tractor with 1000 pto at rated speed on a 540 imp you would overspeed. Most tractors require a output shaft change or reversing of the output shaft to make the appropriate drive changes to maintain similar engine rpm's regardless of the pto speed. Pretty much all compacts still have 540 only, it is not until the higher end of the utility tractor range that you see a dual speed option (540 & 1000) and after approx 150 hp (this can vary) then normally are 1000 only, but more and more of these have dual speed capability. Then approx large frame row crop tractors would have large 1000 only This is altogether seperate from those tractors that have the ability to keep 540 rpms at the pto shaft but have 2 different engine rpm levels based on hp needs for that imp and to save fuel.
   / What Is The 960 PTO Used For. #9  
My Kubota 2550 has a normal 6-spline PTO and can be set with a selector lever to either 540 or 1000 rpm at PTO revs. So it's quite possible to run 540 equipment at higher speeds if you dare... A more sensible use would probably be to check at what engine revs the 1000-rpm settings produce 540 (or maybe 600) rpms and use that if the load is light.

   / What Is The 960 PTO Used For. #10  
Yes, that would be an instance similar to other brands that have dual speed 540 pto's so that you can run lower rpm's for light duty work and still keep 540 at the pto. In those instances it would normally already be marked on the tach or just use a manual tach on the pto shaft itself when shifted into 1000 rev up until pto reaches 540 and with a marker, tape write or mark the right speed so you know how far you can go without getting into trouble.

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