there are 3 industry strandards today (used to be more). 540, 1000 small, 1000 large. As stated above normally as you upgrade in the pto speed app then it is either for higher hp units or higher hp demands from the imp. Can't speak to all late model brands but in many cases if you have the ability to run at either 540 or 1000 it would require the reversing of the output shaft, or a different output shaft. In many cases the appropriate shaft makes the speed shift change internally to assist in not overspeeding implements. There could be machines out there that allow you to run at 1000 rpm w/ a 540 output shaft but as stated above, don't do it. It will be very hard on the implement. On the reverse side there are many a older tractor in the field today w/ 1000 rpm only running 540 imp via a d-line change or pto adapter. In this instance the machine normally has excessive hp for the imp being ran and the operator with the help of a manual tach on the pto shaft will identify what engine rpm he can run to maintain 540 speed with out over speeding the imp.