What is your opinion on Zeibart?

   / What is your opinion on Zeibart? #1  


Super Member
Nov 25, 2009
Bobcat CT 235
On the recommendation of a few friends I had the full deluxe package done by Zeibart on my new F-150, not sure if I am experiencing buyers remorse or not, but not ever been too sure about Zeibart.
Snake oil or good stuff?
   / What is your opinion on Zeibart? #2  
I use to have it done to all my cars and pickups years ago and it sure made a difference . Much of it depends on the applicator and how good they are but the product use to be and suppose it still is very good. I wasn't sure they were still in business as the newer cars are protected a little better . The problem we are having in Maine now is that they are using calcium and that is much worse then salt . It attacks brakes , linings , fuel lines , any exposed wiring on trucks really bad stuff . There is no such thing as just replacing brake pads anymore as it eats the rotors away also .We only have one vehicle now as we are retired so I just trade every 2 years to get away from the hassle .If you plan on keeping your truck for any length time you probably made a very good choice .
   / What is your opinion on Zeibart? #3  
I think it is worth it if you plan on keeping your vehicle a long time, but the way lots of people trade cars every 4 or 5 years that is probably a waste of money. I just has a brake line rust out on my GMC today, thanks to Ct.'s winter chemicals. If you live in a state where these liquid chemicals are routinely sprayed on the roads, crawl under your vehicle and look around. What you see will probably shock you. When I was a kid, lots of people saved their drain oil and would put it in a sprayer and coat their complete undercarriage with it. It worked pretty good, and when you had to work on things they weren't all rusty and the bolts came apart pretty easy.Might be time to try that again.
   / What is your opinion on Zeibart? #4  
Undercoating can't really hurt. I used to get my old truck oiled each fall, but I am now sold on the Fluid Film.
   / What is your opinion on Zeibart? #5  
I had it done Years ago and it does save your Car from rust.
   / What is your opinion on Zeibart? #6  
I don't know if Ziebart is still in this area, but the last time they did a job for me it was lousy. Since then I had the dealer do my new truck in 1999. After inspecting it, he had to do it over again at NC. Now I just reapply some undercoat to the rear fender wells every couple years. No rust seen so far. The family car, a 1999 Crown Vic, wasn't done. But we never drive it in the snow/salt....just use the truck.
   / What is your opinion on Zeibart? #7  
I've heard it can actually accelerate rusting in some cases, since it can clog drain holes and trap moisture, and the drilled access holes are often the first places that rust. But I've never had it done to any of my cars, so I can only relate what I have heard.

It used to be a big business when I was a kid -- I remember "Rusty Jones", "Ziebart", and a couple other brands all had stores in the area. Now seems like I haven't seen one of those places in years.
   / What is your opinion on Zeibart? #8  
Undercoating can't really hurt. I used to get my old truck oiled each fall, but I am now sold on the Fluid Film.

I have heard some good reports on the fluid film here where I live . Some say it should be done every year or so though .I guess you can buy a kit and do it yourself . How do you have it done ?
   / What is your opinion on Zeibart? #9  
I have heard some good reports on the fluid film here where I live . Some say it should be done every year or so though .I guess you can buy a kit and do it yourself . How do you have it done ?

A local auto repair shop does it. It was $80 to get my 07 Silverado sprayed last year. I dropped the spare tire ahead of time and watched them spray the truck. They used what appeared to be an airless paint sprayer. No rust developed on the truck over the winter. I will have it sprayed again the fall. I may also have our 07 Civic done, which would be $65.

I have since picked up aerosol cans of Fluid Film for various tasks including spraying my RTV undercarriage. Good stuff.

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