What kind of chain?

   / What kind of chain? #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
:DHi everyone,

Just bought a JD 4320. I was wondering what size chain and what grade does everyone use to pull and lift with?

   / What kind of chain? #2  
For securing the tractor to a trailer Grade 70 is recommended. Just make sure the chain (WLL) working load limit exceeds the item being secured.

For general pulling and lifting I use 3/8" grade 43. The chain WLL exceeds what my tractor will pull or lift.
   / What kind of chain? #3  
Personally I like wire rope. Its far cheaper and much, much lighter for the same working strength.

As an example...

Wire rope


If you assume 1/2 diameter 6x19 class IWRC vs grade 70 chain...
Wire rope: 26,000 break strength, .46 lb/ft, $1.29/ft
Chain : 13,000 break strength, 2.4 lb/ft, $6.28/ft

The advantages add up pretty quickly. Obviously you need to size the cable to YOUR application but when you look at price and weight I think the advantage of wire rope is pretty clear.

My opinion.
   / What kind of chain?
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Wire rope is very unhandy to use pulse it will fray.

Thanks for the input.

   / What kind of chain? #5  
I also agree grade 70 would be 1 of your best choices but it will also suck the $$$ out of the ole safe.

I bought 3/8 43 grade from HF on sale great deal I felt. I have yet to break it even when I pull with the dozer.
   / What kind of chain? #6  
try a semi truck or trailer dealer parts dept. for your chain,they are usually alot cheaper than a hardware store or tractor supply. i bought 3 grade70 20 ft. chains with hooks for $40.00 apiece last fall from truckpro.
   / What kind of chain? #7  
Wire rope won't last anywhere near the life of chain.

   / What kind of chain? #8  
Grade 70 would be the best for pulling and lifting. I can see wire rope for pulling maybe but using it to lift with would be a pain in the but IMHO. With a chain you can adjust the length easily but with wire rope you are stuck with one length.
   / What kind of chain? #9  
Get my fill of cable skidding wood. Chain is the way to go.

5/16 gr 70 transport chain is good all around, 4 of them on a tractor is enough for your JD. If you have a loader DOT will require 4 chains on the machine and 1 chain on any additional boom and or extention. Meaning 6 chains and binders on a tractor with loader and implement on back, overkill but its the law. These 6 chains can be quite short if the tiedowns are positioned correctly. We have 4 footers for the tractor and 10 footers for the implements.

I use those for pulling and hauling as well, I also have a 8' 3/8" gr43 chain I keep right on the tractor all the time to save me running to the trailer all the time, comes in handy. I don't even know where that one came from.
   / What kind of chain? #10  
Actually, as long as the machine is under 10,000 lbs you need only 2 grade 70 3/8" chains on it, and one for each implement attached to the tractor.

If it's over 10,000 lbs, 4 grade 70 3/8" chains are required as well as one on each attachment.

The 10,000 lb. is the key here, changes the rules dramatically.

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