What to buy?

   / What to buy? #1  


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Have researched extensively and still can’t decide. Kubota bx2380 or ls mt122. Price is within a couple hundred dollars. Dealers both seem to be pretty good. Like the name recognition of the kubota but not a huge fan of the treadle pedal. Good possibility that this we be a sell it in 5 yrs type of purchase. Any experience or input on these 2 tractors is much appreciated.
   / What to buy? #2  
If you plan to sell it, Kubota.

Nothing wrong with the LS at all but in your situation you need to think of resale value. Kubota has that.

I own a LS and am very impressed. I prefer the dual pedal hst too!
   / What to buy? #3  
I wouldn't go with the 122 though. Many of us here on the board have the 125 or the next version .... the 225.
   / What to buy? #4  
I agree, if resale is something you are considering I would probably buy the orange one. However, those blue tractors are good machines.
   / What to buy? #5  
I had the LS MT125 and it was a real workhorse! It was worked very hard and had no problems at all.
As for resale, I sold it after 2 years and 220 hours for $500 less than what I paid for it. I now have an LS MT225E with 270 trouble free hours.

I am surprised that you can get either one within a few hundred dollars..... When I was shopping, the same Kubota was $5 THOUSAND more than the LS.
Either the Kubota is a really, really great price, or the LS is way overpriced....

Shop around other LS dealers, see what they are asking. You might be surprised to find better prices.
   / What to buy?
  • Thread Starter
I had the LS MT125 and it was a real workhorse! It was worked very hard and had no problems at all.
As for resale, I sold it after 2 years and 220 hours for $500 less than what I paid for it. I now have an LS MT225E with 270 trouble free hours.

I am surprised that you can get either one within a few hundred dollars..... When I was shopping, the same Kubota was $5 THOUSAND more than the LS.
Either the Kubota is a really, really great price, or the LS is way overpriced....

Shop around other LS dealers, see what they are asking. You might be surprised to find better prices.
I priced the 3 nearest ls dealers and the kubota is $270 dollars more then the mt122. They appear to be cheaper if I am willing to travel 500 miles to get one, but afraid service could be a real pain.
   / What to buy? #7  
I’m not understanding the service concern. It’s supported by a dealer network that is likely required by LS to provide warranty service to any machine, no matter if it was bought there or not. Also, items out of warranty coverage bring them money, so they would be dumb to deny service, and I bet LS would have an issue with that too anyway.

Just like buying an F150 outside the area and taking it to your closest Ford dealer, they aren’t going to refuse it because you didn’t buy it there. Ford would have their head.

What if someone moves? Same issue.
   / What to buy? #8  
I’m not understanding the service concern. It’s supported by a dealer network that is likely required by LS to provide warranty service to any machine, no matter if it was bought there or not. Also, items out of warranty coverage bring them money, so they would be dumb to deny service, and I bet LS would have an issue with that too anyway.

Just like buying an F150 outside the area and taking it to your closest Ford dealer, they aren’t going to refuse it because you didn’t buy it there. Ford would have their head.

What if someone moves? Same issue.
The dealer nearest my city house flat out told me that they will work on tractors purchased anywhere, BUT, customers who buy from him come first. I see his point, but as you said, what if you move? Depending on how much that puts you back in line, it would be a deal breaker for many.
   / What to buy? #9  
My LS has 139 hard hours on it and it has been the best new tractor I have ever got.
   / What to buy? #10  
Got your point, but let’s say the dealer tells you 3 weeks before they can perform any service. You then call LS and tell them your only convenient dealer states they can’t provide timely warranty work for your tractor. “Can you look into this and assist me with options? I thought warranty work could be performed at any dealer? They won’t even look at my tractor for 3 weeks, and I really need it to be operating as soon as possible.” LS calls the dealer and what is the dealer gonna say? Eventually, the pressure will favor the customer.

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