what's the farthest you're comfortable driving on the road?

   / what's the farthest you're comfortable driving on the road? #31  
Actually, it's the "people trying to pass" that are dangerous!


Maybe they need to slow down and not pass when they can't see the distance that they need. Especially on local town roads.

Yes, true, you're both right. ...but we all know "that ain't gonna happen".

Wish we didn't have to plan on people being idiots, but we do, especially when having an escort vehicle results in additional time passing in the wrong lane and being 5 times more likely to sideswipe you or take that innocent family head-on.
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   / what's the farthest you're comfortable driving on the road? #32  
My two cents is; trailer it. I have driven mine on the road. (6 miles) and hated every bit of it. The worry of someone running into me is just not worth it. I live in a very rural area of southeast Idaho where "everyone" drives their tractors and farm equipment on the road. But I'm not comfortable about it at all. Just to many stupid people out there. I drove it 1 time from my property to my brothers place, now I trailer it every time.
   / what's the farthest you're comfortable driving on the road? #33  
Personally I would put it on the trailer just to save time. The safety is a bonus.

My tractor top travel speed is 12 mph. It would take 35 minutes to go 7 miles.

I can load the tractor in 10 minutes then enjoy the AC in the truck for the 10 minute ride.
   / what's the farthest you're comfortable driving on the road? #34  
I just Googled the route, I drove my tractor home after I purchased it,,, 26 miles,,,


The tractor had the loader on the front, and a 6 foot blade on the back.

I stopped and filled it with fuel, total travel time including the fuel stop was just under 90 minutes.

Yes, my wife was following me in the Honda Accord.

The tractor has been used on more than a half dozen fall hay rides,,
I take it on the road plowing neighbors driveways during bad snow storms,, usually no more than a mile,,,

I have no concerns about traveling on any non-interstate road,,
if bikes can travel at under 10 MPH blocking traffic,, I can travel at over double that speed.
(we live on a rural road that has signs that say "designated bike route")
   / what's the farthest you're comfortable driving on the road? #35  
I was planning a 7 mile jaunt I have done a dozen times or so, now you guys are freaking me out about it. :pullinghair:
   / what's the farthest you're comfortable driving on the road? #36  
The farthest that I've 'roaded' my 4105 has been about 15km from where it's "garaged"... and, yes, it was through town to get to my destination which was the local rifle/pistol Shooters Club range. The town of St Helens doesn't even have STOP signs (let alone a STOP light); nothing but GIVE WAY signs, if any. Absolutely no problem whatsoever. Heck, I even passed by, in town, my minister on his MF tractor going the other way! :laughing:

I've also driven my tractor (flashers & amber whoop-whoop going) for about 6km on the 100kph Tasman Highway in order to get to another set of paddocks from Pyengana during haying season. If I could pull off to the side I would for traffic. If I couldn't pull off, I'd hand signal the vehicle(s) behind me as to whether it was safe to pass me or not. Always got a wave and/or a 'toot' of their horn.

In Tassie, our 80kph and 100kph signs have a second sign below them which reads "Drive To The Conditions". A tractor and/or livestock are one of those conditions.

Oh yeah, I specifically used the word "garaged"... you can legally drive a tractor on public roads, without having to have it 'road licenced' (plate) as long as it's within 15km of where it is garaged/based. So, yes, my tractor is transported (back of a lorry) to Pyengana where it then becomes based for the haying season = I've got a 15km radius from there.
   / what's the farthest you're comfortable driving on the road? #37  
I drive my Yanmar LX 7.4 miles across town once a year to work at my Mom's house. The roads are a mix of rural, 4-lane, and residential. I transport most of the implements separately on a flat bed truck, I don't think I'd want to do it with a bush hog hanging off the back. Occasionally I carry a box blade. It takes me about 45 minutes, top speed is 16mph.

I don't make a living farming, so I probably wouldn't qualify for the state exemptions that allow unregistered tractors on the road. To not attract unwanted LEO attention I travel early mornings on weekends so I don't backup heavy traffic. I have crossed paths with the local LE vehicles and haven't had any issues, I've even gotten a few waves.

Generally I enjoy the drive, and even stop to eat a donut along my way:

holy donut.jpg
   / what's the farthest you're comfortable driving on the road? #38  
I've driven about 5 miles, usually back roads, but also state roads, without an escort. Think nothing of it.
The only time I remember having an escort car follow behind is when I was a kid and my father needed one because the John Deere A had no headlights and he need the car's headlights to see where the road was.
   / what's the farthest you're comfortable driving on the road? #39  
Takes me ~10 min to load a CUT or the Terramite if the trailer is already hitched and the ramps are in place, another 10-15 to properly secure it, and all of 10 to 'untie' and drive it off the trailer. 15 min to reload and retie for a return trip, and all of 20 min to unload, park the trailer, and put away the chains and binders. To me that's quite a bit of work time to go less than 10 mi.

I've loaded and hauled the TM twice in 10 years, and the NH or its comparable predecessor once each in that decade. IMO that's a lot of time investment to earn a few cups of coffee or an overcooked burger when someone's out of catsup. I plowed snow at a BILs house once some years ago (they were still paying on a loan then and they still knew me :rolleyes:) it was just <3 mi round trip, and I made it almost w/o incident until ditched by an impatient driver two houses from home.

My second place is 1/4 mi down the road and I've driven all 3 tractors, the TM, and the tree truck back & forth at least once this Summer. The golf cart and Mechron make the trip almost weekly. IMO, as bad as folks who can't wait to pass are the ones who hover behind you for whole minutes before passing and getting it over with when there are no otherson the road going in either direction. Roads in my nabe are arrow-straight and pancake-flat, and I can see either mailbox while standing at the other.

Lesson learned. Let folks pay someone vs doing favors. :laughing: Tractor part and other machine work are still pro bono, but I mention a $15/hr fee for customer to watch so I don't rush and botch the job. btw, I paid farm hands that rate until I could no longer find 16-25 YOs who could put their phones down or even show up. :(
   / what's the farthest you're comfortable driving on the road? #40  
For me, hitching the trailer takes as much or more time than loading and chaining. I want a back up camera so bad....

Katahdin, I love the picture. Great stuff. I get some weird looks at the Love's truck stop every time I go fill up. So many people coming off I-85 and I'm guessing some have never seen a tractor before. I usually get asked a question or two while there.

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