Tractor News When will we see a Kubota Grand L 80 series?

   / When will we see a Kubota Grand L 80 series? #1  


Silver Member
Jul 11, 2005
Was thinking about buying a new L6060 cab but was wondering if I might wait for the next generation of Grand L tractors. Anybody have any idea when we might see a new series of Grand L's? Maybe a 80 series?
   / When will we see a Kubota Grand L 80 series? #2  
Was thinking about buying a new L6060 cab but was wondering if I might wait for the next generation of Grand L tractors. Anybody have any idea when we might see a new series of Grand L's? Maybe a 80 series?

Probably no time soon.

HST transmissions make economic sense in the low HP market but much less so above 40-50 HP due to inherent inefficiencies.

That said, it is possible that the YUPPIES will pay for such inefficiencies for bragging rights.

I'm sure that the Kubota marketing folks are paying attention so stay tuned.

   / When will we see a Kubota Grand L 80 series? #3  
Probably no time soon.

HST transmissions make economic sense in the low HP market but much less so above 40-50 HP due to inherent inefficiencies.

That said, it is possible that the YUPPIES will pay for such inefficiencies for bragging rights.

I'm sure that the Kubota marketing folks are paying attention so stay tuned.


I think the OP was referring to a new model series rather than the HP. That’s how I had read it. Guess one could look on tractor data and see long the previous series ran for and take a gander at how long the L60 series will be around.
   / When will we see a Kubota Grand L 80 series? #4  
I'm guessing 10 years after the 70 series...
   / When will we see a Kubota Grand L 80 series? #5  
They went from the 40 series to the 60s mostly because of tier 4 emissions stuff. Same with the 00 to 01 change. There are a few minor tweaks on the 60s & some cosmetic stuff. Emissions, buttons on the dash & a smoother 3pt are the only differences between a L3200 & L3301.

I highly doubt they will be doing any changes soon if they didnt have anything to update other than emissions in the last round.
   / When will we see a Kubota Grand L 80 series? #6  
I can’t see that happening anytime soon. Who knows of course, but I just don’t see it happening for many years.

I think the next big series change will include the larger utility tractors coming equipped with HST, like the M7060, M5, m6 etc.

The technology is there, but the market hadn’t been. I think the market is there now and they would sell really well.

Now that the manufacturers have met the emissions requirements, they can spend more time and money on research and development to actually make the tractors better, not the emissions.
   / When will we see a Kubota Grand L 80 series? #7  
Going by the lifespan of the 30 series (4 years) and the 40 series (6 years) and the fact that the L60 series started in 2013, it seems like about time for a new grand L series. But of course there's a lot of other factors that go into it.
   / When will we see a Kubota Grand L 80 series? #8  
Probably no time soon.

HST transmissions make economic sense in the low HP market but much less so above 40-50 HP due to inherent inefficiencies.

That said, it is possible that the YUPPIES will pay for such inefficiencies for bragging rights.

I'm sure that the Kubota marketing folks are paying attention so stay tuned.


I recently ran a CAT D5 Hydrastat and an old D7 brake-steer on the same day. I have to say that I do prefer the operation of the "yuppie" dozer, regardless of the power loss.
   / When will we see a Kubota Grand L 80 series?
  • Thread Starter
I would love to see a hydrostat option on the m7060 tractor. I would buy one today.
   / When will we see a Kubota Grand L 80 series? #10  
My brothers Case 550 dozer is hydrostatic-what a joy to use.


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