Who carries handiwipes on their tractor?

   / Who carries handiwipes on their tractor? #1  


Elite Member
Feb 16, 2011
Hudson, Maine
2003 NH TC30
For years I never minded oil or grease on my hands- part of life. About 10 years ago I was changing the oil on my truck, laying on my back and unscrewing one of those filters that screws upward (same as on my tractor/hydraulic). There is no way that I know of not to get oil all over your hand and down your sleeve. But this one time I noticed I started to get a headache soon after. I started paying attention and-yeah I noticed oil all over my hands = headache + a slight burning sensation. Nothing big but it has me thinking. I tried thick disposable gloves but those are as hot as hockey sticks and my hands just dripped sweat until I was done.
I can't stand the feeling of oil and grease anymore and working around my tractor, bush hog I'm always getting something on my hands. I carry those wipes- in the white and yellow plastic containers- hand sanitizers or something and they really work well to strip the oily feeling from my hands. I always have paper towels in my pocket to dry them up with- and also good for wiping grit off of nuts and screws when I'm working on something- good for sweat on your forehead on a hot day too (paper towels)! Rubbing alcohol on a rag works well too for grease and oil. In desperate times I've been known to spray my hands with carb cleaner- but that's not so smart- maybe worse than the oil/grease. The handiwipes work well!:laughing:
   / Who carries handiwipes on their tractor? #2  
You need to go back to man school and toughen up. " I don't like oil on my fingers". C'mon. You're kidding right? Maybe baby wipes in the can too?
   / Who carries handiwipes on their tractor? #3  
Never thought of handy-wipes but it's a good idea!

"Man school" :laughing: I need to keep my hands clean and smooth for the day job so I wear gloves for just about everything; operating, servicing, washing.
   / Who carries handiwipes on their tractor? #4  
I have kept some in my tractor for years. There are also real good to have when baling hay. When you have to get out and unplug the baler or clear the chaff out it will be all over you. Their damp enough to get most of the itchy stuff off.
   / Who carries handiwipes on their tractor? #5  
I am 66.

I was in the US Navy from 17 - 21.

Now that my friends are at the age where they are being stricken with cancer in various forms.....

I think of the awful solvents we used routinely in the Navy, bare-handed, which are banned today, and I sweat the Big C.

Gas and Diesel are both loaded with Benzene. I do not know about grease.

Exposure is NOW, medical problems crop up years later.
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   / Who carries handiwipes on their tractor? #6  
Thanks for posting. I only carry a couple of shop towels. One in my back pocket and another in the pouch on the back of my seat cover.
   / Who carries handiwipes on their tractor? #7  
I carry paper towels with me on the tractor, as well as a shop cloth or two. One never knows when they might need them, even if just to wipe the sweat off of your face. Hadn't thought about the wet wipes, but sometimes, their residue is almost as bothersome to me as the grease. Might reconsider, after reading your posting. Thanks!
   / Who carries handiwipes on their tractor? #8  
I grew up in a family of farmers, heavy equipment operators, and building contractors. Grimy hands was part of life. Back then we did notice people with clean hands and I confess usually thought the worse of them for that. Used to have a permanent rash on my right hip from stuffing a greasy rag in my back pocket all day. Got married, then had a couple teenage girls around the house. Dirt and grime not as popular as it used to be. I tried to use thin rubber gloves, too much of a nuisance for all the time use. So then started using those handwipes. I have them in the back of the pickup and on the workbench. I am sure it is much healthier. And my baloney sandwiches dont taste like diesel fuel either.
   / Who carries handiwipes on their tractor? #9  
No paper towels on my rig, but I always have a couple of those red shop towels from HF next to the seat. I don't much like having oil on my hands for any more than a minute or 2. Always afraid I'll rub my eyes with those oily hands ...
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   / Who carries handiwipes on their tractor? #10  
Another necessity is toilet paper when you're out working deep in the woods! Pine straw just doesn't cut it.

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