62 lbs per block. 2 is 124 lbs
It was no fun at all for a guy my age.... palletizing 170 blocks.
I hired one helper from HomeDepot for the first (5000lbs) load.
5,000 lbs off the ground and onto pallets on my trailer, in one hour.
Unloaded witht he tractor forks, then took a nap.
For the 2nd load (5500 lbs) I hired 2 guys and just counted blocks.
This was just to get the blocks on-site.
I haven't unloaded the 5500 lbs yet.
planning the project,,,,
I thought:
Just do 10 blocks in the morning
10 blocks in afternoon,
then go in the house,
....take a nap.
It will be done in a week.
With ease.
But looking at the mini-ex just sitting there
..... I entertained the idea ......
Soft-jaws for setting blocks at the bottom of the stairs.
And I get to use my favorite toy.