Who still drives a stick in 2025?

   / Who still drives a stick in 2025? #1  


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Apr 6, 2004
SF Bay Area-Ca Olympia WA Salzburg Austria
Cat D3, Deere 110 TLB, Kubota BX23 and L3800 and RTV900 with restored 1948 Deere M, 1949 Farmall Cub, 1953 Ford Jubliee and 1957 Ford 740 Row Crop, Craftsman Mower, Deere 350C Dozer 50 assorted vehicles from 1905 to 2006
I drive my stick shift samurai at least weekly if not more.

I was at the hardware store and a young guy asked me if it’s hard to drive?

I said no… I learned to drive with a stick.

Another skill set fading with time.

How many TBN members own/drive manual transmission vehicle(s) in 2025?
   / Who still drives a stick in 2025? #2  
3 out my 4 are stick shift. If it's a not rod or a classic without 3 pedals it ain't shift.
You can drive an automatic with 1 hand and 1 foot leaving you 50% involved. But a stick takes both hands and both feet leaving completely involved in the driving experience.
   / Who still drives a stick in 2025? #3  
All of the vehicles I had for the first 30 years after starting to drive were manual transmission. Now, nearly 20 years later none of them are and I no longer enjoy driving them. With all of the increased traffic I find them inconvenient.
   / Who still drives a stick in 2025? #4  
I got rid of my last manual trans in 2019, it was fun to drive, but made it hard to eat an ice cream cone while driving!
I learned to drive both a stick and an automatic when I was young and can still do either one with no problem.
   / Who still drives a stick in 2025? #5  
My commuter is a manual, I also have 2 vintage project cars that are both manual (not currently on the road).

My truck is an auto, because my wife need to be able to drive it. And honestly I prefer it when backing up.
   / Who still drives a stick in 2025? #6  
Still have a few, pretty much everything else is auto

New Venture 5600 6 speed
Muncie M-22 close ratio 4 speed
6 speed non syncro tractor
5 and 6 speed motorcycles
Borg Warner T-18 3+1 (6.32/1 -granny 1st)

It Is sad so few manual shifted vehicles are sold anymore...

Many kids today have never even ridden in a manually shifted vehicle.
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   / Who still drives a stick in 2025? #7  
I had never owned an automatic trans until several years ago when I bought a 7.3L 1996 F250 from a friend. When the E4OD auto started acting up I replaced it with a ZF6 manual transmission. It has been a huge improvement.
   / Who still drives a stick in 2025? #8  
I learned how to stall on a Chevy El Camino. That gutless 3 speed has no fond memories. Then onto a 1985 3/4-ton Chevy with a 4 speed. Hardly ever used 1st.

My girlfriend loves standards. She had a jacked up 2013 Wrangler that was fun to drive and looked cool. You could park it anywhere. Then we went on to a Mazda Miata. That was a fun well handling little car.
Unfortunately, in my neck of the woods, it ain't a winter driver.

We started having automatic transmission problems last summer with her dad's 2017 Malibu. She inherited that when he passed on. With what the transmission shop quoted us; it was not worth it to keep.

She was set on getting a standard, so I went into research mode. I was pretty sure if she drove a Subaru WRX she would be hooked. I was right. 6 speed with twin turbos, that thing flies. I just wish it was only a 4 speed. I get confused poking around for gears.

   / Who still drives a stick in 2025? #10  
I have 2 straight drives that aren't rolling right now, a 67 Chevy pickup and a 63 Nova SS. Retirement projects.

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