Why should I NOT buy a new LX 4500 or LX 4900?

   / Why should I NOT buy a new LX 4500 or LX 4900? #11  
I'm a Yanmar owner from the mid 80's. Was very pleased to own a YM220D (22hp 4x4) until 1998. Switched to New Holland 33hp because bigger, and had a FEL, plus Yanmar had gone away as a stand alone dealer, and I was afraid parts might be hard to come by down the road.

2012, switched back to Yanmar (my NH dealership started selling them) buying an LX410 (41hp, 4x4, FEL, shuttle shift). Just past 800hrs on it, using it for general farm work, log skidding, lumber handling (own a Woodmizer sawmill). Overall, I've give it a 4 star on a 5 star scale rating.

There are some things I think they could have done much better (see my thread on this subject), but to be honest, I suspect ANY tractor out there I could make improvements to the design, because I suspect tractor engineers simply don't use their own products, or they would see the same thing.

Bottom line....I'd likely buy another one if I ran this one over a cliff and lived to tell about it. :D
   / Why should I NOT buy a new LX 4500 or LX 4900? #12  
Double posted....forum software screwup.
   / Why should I NOT buy a new LX 4500 or LX 4900?
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Thank you everyone!!
   / Why should I NOT buy a new LX 4500 or LX 4900? #14  
Reviving this old thread because I'm going to look at a LX4500 tomorrow. Any owners care to share your experience with them?

What size cutters have you put on them? What size tillers?

Any issues?

   / Why should I NOT buy a new LX 4500 or LX 4900? #15  
Yanmar Lx4500 Power
Engine (gross)45 hp
33.6 kW
PTO (claimed)32.5 hp

Look at the PTO requirements for the type and size attachments you want to run.
" The general rule of thumb is 5 PTO hp per foot of rotary cutter. So a 6 footer calls for 30 PTO hp or better. "
   / Why should I NOT buy a new LX 4500 or LX 4900? #16  
Rule of thumb to get the PTO. Hp. is 5 Eng. Hp. to make 4Hp. @ the PTO.. ;)
   / Why should I NOT buy a new LX 4500 or LX 4900? #17  
John Deere had a lot of their tractors made by Yanmar for over
20 years and Yanmar has their engines in over 75 different
tractors & JD still has Yanmar diesels in their tractors
Plus you will find Yanmar engines in ships, boats construction
equipment etc. Our YT235C has 143.7 hours no problems
I would purchase another one if I needed one in a heartbeat!

   / Why should I NOT buy a new LX 4500 or LX 4900? #18  
I have the LX4500 with a 72-inch King Kutter and it's fine, it just bogs down in really tall field grass (as high as the operator) but you take it slow it'll munch through it.

The HST transmission is great for navigating bumps and knolls, the fields I mow are not smooth. You can control your speed really well on technical inclines and downhills.

When field mowing I turn the synchro throttle off, turn on PTO at idle, rev to PTO speed, and usually cut while in the Medium HST gear.

You'll want to avoid backing up in reverse with a 6 foot cutter, the lift arm stabilizers have a tendency to bend or break if much resistance is encountered. When reversing I'll usually lift the mower, back up, drop the cutter and then move forward.

I don't have any real experience with the tillers, I rented a 5-footer once, it was the largest the rental agency had, but it seemed undersized for the LX4500, go at least 6.

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