Backhoe Woods bh6000 vs bh65

   / Woods bh6000 vs bh65 #1  


Veteran Member
Mar 26, 2013
Arlington, TN
Kubota bx1860
Does anyone know the differences between a bh 6000 and a bh 65? I know the bh 65 is the new model, I wonder if it's better or worse. I sent a message to woods, I bet their response will be biased toward the new one! I have also been talking to a dealer with a bh 6000 (old model), I think he is biased toward getting rid of the old one based upon his response! I have a Kubota bx1860 and the prices I have been quoted for both are within $100 of each other.
   / Woods bh6000 vs bh65 #2  
I know that the subframe "quick attach" on a bh9000 is supposed to be a PITA in comparison to the BH90X. (Bottom links are hooks rather than aligning pins)

Same price?! That should not be. The new model should be lots more. I'd be wondering what's wrong with it.
   / Woods bh6000 vs bh65 #3  
I agree with Luke's comment, that the new model should be more expensive than the older one. I attached an image of the specs of each model, showing the slight differences between each. I have the BH6000 on my B7510 with the 4 poimt hitch and it works great. So far it has done everything that I have asked, ditches, rock picking and cleaning out a drain. I would see if I could get a better deal on the BH6000 first, but if the difference is not better than at least a $1000, then I think opting for the new BH65 would make most sense.
Let everyone know how you make out.
BH6000 to BH65.jpg


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   / Woods bh6000 vs bh65
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Thanks! I notice the digging force is greater on the 65.
In the woods you tube video, other pics on Internet and the instruction manual, it looks like the 65 has its own seat. I thought the 6000 just had a swivel for the tractor seat.
   / Woods bh6000 vs bh65
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They refreshed the unit and gave it an additional half foot digging depth. The BH6000 is no longer available.

That's all that dude at woods had to say
   / Woods bh6000 vs bh65
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I called woods today (previously just emailed). They confirmed that the bh65 has 6" more reach and ~700lbs more digging force.

They also said the parts are now laser or plasma cut and robot welded, so the manufacturing process is more efficient and price is lower.

Based on that, when I do get one, it will be a bh65. (If I can't save at least $500 buying a bh6000)
   / Woods bh6000 vs bh65
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I bought a orange bh65 w/12" bucket, subframe, hose kit and mechanical thumb from Rosseels. Mailed the check today.
   / Woods bh6000 vs bh65 #8  
15 months later... How is the backhoe working out on the 1860? I would like to get one for my 1870 and don't want ot upgrade to the bx25.
   / Woods bh6000 vs bh65
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Works good, i am real sorry for the delayed response i just noticed this here. I'm not on top of my tractorbynet. I had a little trouble, the brackets they sent would not fit and a couple hoses were wrong. I had Al the tech rep at woods on speed dial (he probably does not like me now). I did it step by step as I had time since we were on a one week rotating shift with a lot of OT at work. So every time I hit a snag I called him and did it Johnny cash style (one piece at a time). It works good, as with everything on this tractor, power has not been a concern weight (lack of) is, the hoe will throw it around quite a bit.Anything else please ask I will be more than happy to help, I agonized over the decision because nobody could answer questions I had!1495777157514.jpg
   / Woods bh6000 vs bh65
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1495777605917.jpg1495777815504.jpgone shows a treasure I found about a foot under. I haven't started any of the projects I had planned for this backhoe yet. The digging pictured was a small one I invented to try it out.1495777769209.jpg

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