Working on TC34, TC35, TC40 tractors?

   / Working on TC34, TC35, TC40 tractors? #11  
I also bought my TC 45d sight unseen from a dealer halfway across the country couldn't be happier with the purchase. He gave me 2 video's and around 50 stills. The only problem was that the 3 pt developed a hiccup which I had to do the seals on the 3 pt lift cylinder which I did fairly easily.

Parts availably has not been a problem except for the price, which seems to be on par with every other original manufacture parts. I order everything through Messick's which usually gets delivered in 1 or 2 days. There is a great NH, Ford tractor boneyard by them it's called Long Lane Tractor where the owners are a guru on these tractors and has been very helpful in finding original equipment parts.

From what I heard is that NH was forcing Shibaura to cut their price of the tractors which could only kill the excellent build quality which you can see in the change from D models to DA models. The D models had thick fiberglass "sheet metal" and the DA models went to plastic which had problems with cracking on the fender mounting points where they left out rubber gromets that the D models had. Also, the grab handles on the D models where steel and the DAs are plastic.

There were some improvements on the DAs over the Ds, a mid pto could be had on a 45 and something with the battery but I don't recall also the hood vent was deleted. Plus, the ugly ass head lights.

I see a lot of dealers marking As and Ds as DAs either out of stupidity or to try to get more money out of it. Turkey foot has a D marked as a DA and Kan equip has an A their selling as a DA. Buyer Beware.
   / Working on TC34, TC35, TC40 tractors?
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You sure that’s a 240 and not 250 loader? I think the 240 was designed for tc 31 and 34 . Smaller loader with less lift capacity
You're right, it's a 250. My memory never has been what it used to be....

My machine is the newer TC40DA (2008). I'd rather have the older version with stronger body panels, but you know how it goes with beggers and choosers. In this price range, I'm definitely begging...
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   / Working on TC34, TC35, TC40 tractors? #13  
You're right, it's a 250. My memory never has been what it used to be....

My machine is the newer TC40DA (2008). I'd rather have the older version with stronger body panels, but you know how it goes with beggers and choosers. In this price range, I'm definitely begging...
Sounds like a deal. Mine has the 16LA loader. The 250TL is the model that replaced it in 2006. And remember the TBN rules, no pictures - it never happened. :D
   / Working on TC34, TC35, TC40 tractors?
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Pictures will be forthcoming, nut it may be Saturdaybeforei can get any in the daylight. It was delivered last night. Unfortunately, the battery is in sad shape, and the leads were completely loose causing intermittent connection. It took 2 hours to figure out what was going on and then get it jumped and unloaded. When I finally got ahold of the dealer, they told me they had it inside on a charger before loading it because the battery was weak. That would have been nice to know. It would have been easy to have a charged battery sitting here waiting on it. The upside is that at least the salesman answered his phone at 7:30 last night.... other than that, the plastic on the tractor is rough, but otherwise it's in good shape.
   / Working on TC34, TC35, TC40 tractors?
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Needs a couple of small repairs, but it will last me the rest of my days with a little luck.


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